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Design Concepts of New from appendTo’s Doug Neiner

You may have noticed last week that the jQuery Foundation released a new web design for This is part of a phased rollout across the jQuery Foundations entire suite of sites that started with a few weeks ago. What you might not know is that the initial design concept started with appendTo’s own Doug Neiner. Doug Neiner commented on the launch, “Its exciting to see this design, and all the hours of many volunteer’s effort, realized in the launched redesign of the jQuery online properties. I hope the unified navigation experience, consistent look and feel, and overall layout will make it easier for developers to find what they need and allow them to use jQuery and associated projects more efficiently.

The Initial Designs

jQuery Design Comp 1 In 2010, when Doug was just getting involved with the jQuery project, he presented his initial design concepts for the redesigned jQuery websites. The project then moved into a community effort where members of the community helped in evolving the design and programming the front-end code. See the initial concepts:

Community Effort

It is amazing to see how many people volunteered their time and energy, contributing through design, coding, writing and implementation, to make this new design a reality. The redesign was truly a community effort and the volunteers deserve the praise” said Neiner about the community effort.


The site is built on top of the multi-site version of WordPress and the design is separated from the content to allow for the community to easily contribute content back to the project. All of the jQuery content is offered to the community with a Creative Commons license. The design remains as a copyright of the jQuery Foundation.

Your Thoughts?

Have you seen the new look of We’d love to hear your feedback. Have you contributed to the site in any way? If you have we’d love to hear how you’ve contributed.