Posted on 24th July 2013 by in Computers, PADS, Smart Phones...

Launched about 9 months ago, Windows 8 has garnered sufficient negative press to think this w,as another Windows Vista. This week it was time for that always exciting time to upgrade the machines in our offices and new machines means new software. Now I’ve only be using Windows 8 for a few days but so far I can’t see what all the fuss is about. Seems like windows 7 with  some goofy new icons and charms (that I’ve yet to bother much with).

What is lacking in the packaging is a simple card explaining “Windows 8 for Dummies” that would have gotten us past the first hour of guessing where to go, and how do you? Simple answers like how to display the desktop, search to start a program and a few other key items that would jump you past the hurdle that this new user interface places between you and your precious time on social media, Groupon and the like.

I’ve yet to see this new Windows bad side, I’ll keep you posted if and when it shows it’s face.

P.S. If your planning on a hardware upgrade I highly recommend you get at least a partial solid state hard drive. Working with PC’s these last 30 years was giving me flashbacks to my childhood back in the 60’s when we had to wait for our tube televisions to warm up before beginning to watch anything. In the 70’s we got our first instant on TV and it seemed miraculous. A solid state drive will bring you into the new millennium, no more waiting for your PC to start and super fast reboots. The time you save will quickly recover your investment.

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