How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

by EA_Sanah

Original Post

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★ Guide
@EA_Sanah I'm struggling with loading issue myself (it is not permanent, but sometimes it takes hours to get in), but I don't want to request a rollback due to the loss of the prizes I won in the meantime.I know I'm probably digging myself a grave since the loading issue will probably get worse and eventually I will lose the access to the game at all, but I really hope that the team reconsiders awarding the prizes the player won. 

When the death glitch was happening back in February-March 2020, those who were affected were able to receive the missed prizes because they were not able to play the game at all for a couple of weeks.  We didn't even get a rollback, but the studio was nice to award us the prizes for being loyal and patient players during the difficult time in our game.
Message 11 of 54 (2,480 Views)

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★ Guide
In the case of the reset glitch, we can immediately determine that it is a “glitch”. However, in the case of the network error, it is difficult for us to determine if it is a glitch or if it is the cause of our environment.
Network errors usually gets worse slowly, so it takes about 1-2 months to observe the situation, and finally it gets out of hand. Rolling back from there is a nightmare.
I’ve also experienced the reset glitches (5 times) in the past, but reset is still better than network error…
Message 12 of 54 (2,458 Views)

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★ Guide
When my game started having network errors, I sent a ticket to EAHelp, but their response was to use faster wifi & troubleshooting link.
I also asked Simguru to help me, but the the problem was not solved.
There was nothing left that I can do anymore. But I keep playing the game in a situation it took tens of minutes (sometimes hours) to login, I completed the festival and TH. And now, my game is dead at last. If I could have gotten help earlier, my rollback would have been much shorter.
Yes, I’m angry and I’ll keep writing my complaints here 😄
Message 13 of 54 (2,418 Views)

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★ Guide
Oh by the way, I also completed the Wumples quests. Of course I don’t expect to get these rewards back, though 😄 The kid's dress and the lovely ghost. So sad
Message 14 of 54 (2,414 Views)

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★ Guide
This game has been a great comfort to me for years, thanks. I know it’s just digital data, but I really love my sims and their little world.
Yes, it’s just digital data. So I don’t think that it would be so difficult to make up for the loss of customers DUE TO GLITCHES in the game. Why are you so reluctant to make compensations? Are we asking too much?? Well, it’s too much to deal with each and every customers, cuz there are too many glitches, there’s no end, haha
Message 15 of 54 (2,353 Views)

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★★ Guide

Thanks for addressing the issue head on and being willing to do something about it. My issues go back to almost the beginning of my game so a roll back would be the same as losing my game all entirely, even with restored purchases. 
Wish there could be more time to spend on each individual glitch to resolve it. I feel like they could. 
They will fix the game loading issue. Because time and money will be put to it. So yes, I feel like they could fix absolutely every issue there is. 
Please, EA, if you’re in touch with these forums, address our chief concerns. There’s many passionate players around the world in this franchise that really do deserve more. 
You could if you wanted to.👍

Message 16 of 54 (2,332 Views)

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★ Guide

I will not be angry if I get proper supports, no matter how many times I get glitches.

I asked EAHelp and Simgurus for help early on, but you guys glossed over the fact that I needed a rollback. I knew from past experience that I probably needed to rollback but you guys told me to wait, so I did. The result is this. Dishonest. My game friend went through the same thing, and now she probably gave up the game. Yeah even if all the old players' games glitched and they left, new players will come along. It will be fine

Message 17 of 54 (2,289 Views)

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★ Guide

I’ve asked EAHelp several times to roll back my game. I gave details of the issue with my game, added screenshots, and also included links to this thread and simgurus’ tweets. Their replies are "wait until the game team fixes the game".


My friend got a reset glitch after reinstalling and sent a ticket to EAHelp, but they asked her to reinstall AGAIN and then after seeing that the issue was not solved, they just said they would send feedback to the game team, unilaterally closed the case. After that, she reopened her case but they quickly closed it.


Simgurus telling us to rely on EAHelp, but EAHelp just says to wait for the game team to fix the game. We’re going around in a maze with no way out.

Message 18 of 54 (2,190 Views)

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★ Guide

Also I've found another bug. I cannot get my workshop to work. The little work bar keeps disappearing so I've not been able to use it off and on for weeks.

I'm not sure what to do to fix this? 

Message 19 of 54 (2,069 Views)

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★ Guide
@JustJazzy81 Does this mean that the balloon to start a workshop event disappears?
Here’s the solution↓ Let all your sims idle and task kill the app. This also works when the options for starting career, hobby, or relationship events are gone.
However, if the sim that last run workshop event is currently in a passive state, maybe the only way to fix it is to remove the sim. It's better not to make our sims passive now...
Message 20 of 54 (2,055 Views)