How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

by EA_Sanah

Original Post

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★ Newbie
@gogotamago5 I can’t DM her via twitter how did you manage to DM her?
Message 41 of 54 (2,684 Views)

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

[ Edited ]



Tap on SimGuruSanah's  profile image. Then, tap on CONTACT ME. This will create a new message in your INBOX.





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 AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator

Message 42 of 54 (2,682 Views)

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★★ Novice

Is the solution rolling back the game? What are the risks with that?

Message 43 of 54 (2,628 Views)

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★ Guide
She seems to have closed her Twitter DMs, so try mention tweeting her on Twitter and asking her to send you a DM, or you can try DMing her on AHQ, as Salix said 🤞
Message 44 of 54 (2,629 Views)

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★ Guide
The game will be rolled back to the point before the issue occurred, so all progress and event rewards will be lost. Only purchased pack items will be restored, but I’m still in talking with EAHelp about it. I have not heard back from them yet again...
Message 45 of 54 (2,622 Views)

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★★ Novice

So sorry that you have had to deal with this. I have had many conversations with sim guru sanah on Twitter, and I am asking this q because I want them to document that rollback is their only solution. And also admit the risks involved with doing so. 

I messaged with her this week and she admitted that in asking for players’ ids publicly on Twitter, she was going to experiment on their games without telling them that. 😕

Message 46 of 54 (2,613 Views)

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★ Guide
I see, but I don’t think she will reply to this thread… But “Non roll back fix”? It sounds nice! I was not suggested it by her, but if it is possible you are lucky, I think..
Message 47 of 54 (2,605 Views)

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★★ Novice

I don’t think they can fix anything, sadly. If you look back to their questions and answers from last fall, they seemed to indicate that fixing these basic issues would require a total revamp of the game and would be impossible.

Message 48 of 54 (2,600 Views)

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★★ Novice
@abc145679833 I’m exactly the same it’s very frustrating if they can’t fix the workshop then it’s unfair to include it in the goals it’s been months now
Message 49 of 54 (2,179 Views)

Re: How To Get Help for Persistent Bugs

★★★ Newbie

Thanks! It was rally helpful...

Message 50 of 54 (1,514 Views)