Lost progress Sims mobile

by ImSoMH312

Original Post

Re: Lost progress Sims mobile

★ Novice
Hello there ! May I ask how the progress with your Sims Mobile? Does the support team succeeded to retrieve your progress back?
Message 11 of 16 (1,115 Views)

Re: Lost progress Sims mobile

[ Edited ]
★★ Pro
I guess they recovered from ea servers. I just gave my player id and waited.
Message 12 of 16 (1,051 Views)

Re: Lost progress Sims mobile

★★★ Novice

I lost the whole game was up to level 30, $49,000.00 in simoleons, $790.00 in Sims cash, 7 heirlooms, a lot of items in my house, and a lot in storage due to the fact that I was going to expand my house. Had it saved to FB/& EA games but contacting them was no help I sent them screenshots of what I had spent with my ITunes card ($100.00). They gave me some BS story that all they can do is $600.00 in Sims Cash or try to contact FB - hint there is no # to actually talk yo FB. So now I’m screwed. I really liked that game and it kept me relaxed and my daughter and myself have contests to see who can get the farthest.   I just need some advice do I don’t go crazy!!!!

Message 13 of 16 (982 Views)

Re: Lost progress Sims mobile

★★★ Newbie

I lost my game too and I am freaking out trying to get it back!

Message 14 of 16 (933 Views)

Re: Lost progress Sims mobile

★★★★ Novice
@MsJuniper Did you ever get back your data?
Message 15 of 16 (596 Views)

Re: Lost progress Sims mobile

★★★ Newbie

I'm playing Sims Mobile with two devices, phone and tablet. I just lost few hours progress when I opened the game on my phone, and even unable to restart the progress. Opening the game with my tablet didn't help and  progress seems to be lost. I won’t be able to finish the quest in time for this error.

Message 16 of 16 (29 Views)