Roommate race: events not registering

by JemGed

Original Post

Roommate race: events not registering

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

I am currently trying to unlock the third sim slot on sims mobile and on one task it has asked me to complete two events. So I: played the guitar, and worked in the restaurant. Nothing it said 0/2 complete so I then tried loads of other events only one registered. So I redid that event in hopes to complete. But nothing.


I am also concerned that it is effecting my rewards from these unresponsive events I don’t think they ( level up points, career, and hoppy points) even register.


I am trying to make my child playable and I need to complete this to do it. If anyone knows how I can fix this I would be grateful as I am currently stuck! Thanks!



[SalixCat - Modified thread title for clarity] 

Message 1 of 2 (526 Views)

Re: Sims mobile: events not registering




The quest requires specific events to be completed.


For example, if the quest step says you need to complete 2 long events, it won't register any short or standard events that you complete.


Here you can find the Roommate Race walkthrough - unlock your 3rd Sim 





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