Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

by dioangel

Original Post

Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Apprentice

I am going to report every single console player for aim bot until Respawn does their job...


Message 1 of 60 (822 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★★★★ Pro
@dioangel Where is that data from? Pretty damning if valid data.
Message 2 of 60 (802 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★ Guide
@HappyHourSumwur The data is from the r5r client leaderboard and very concerning
Message 3 of 60 (794 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★★★ Expert

So hold on a minute here. Your posting data from a non-sanctioned version of the game, the entire purpose of which is for users to screw with Respawn-chosen settings? Does this include aim assist values? Why would I take seriously any data coming from a modded version of the game?
Message 4 of 60 (753 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★ Expert

Seems fair considering how many PC's I've reported for "impossible movement".

Message 5 of 60 (738 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★★★★ Novice

Thorian Smash had reported on this earlier today.  Aim Assist on consols is +30% higher rate of kills then M&K.

Message 6 of 60 (730 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

[ Edited ]
★★ Guide

@reconzeroWait are we really trying now to falsely the data because the client is not official ?
Should we ignore that this client is used for practice purposes by a lot of top tier players ?

The data is legit.

Message 7 of 60 (723 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★ Guide
@Auntyentity Respawn really can’t run away from that problem anymore, they lost a lot of mnk players because of it. Pubg has like 2x the playerbase on pc by now… how much more does the game need to bleed before they react…
Message 8 of 60 (721 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★★★ Expert

Thank you for reminding me of yet another way that this data might be compromised: being drawn from "top tier players."
Message 9 of 60 (650 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★ Guide
@reconzero The data is not compromised in the slightest…it makes the problem very clear, as much as respawn try’s to hide the problem it was obvious for a long time.
Message 10 of 60 (735 Views)