Alter Revealed - Discuss the newest Legend here!

by EA_Mako

Original Post

Alter Revealed - Discuss the newest Legend here!

[ Edited ]
Community Manager



In some worlds we all saw this for the first time yesterday, in others perhaps that was different... in every world though, this trailer was a great multiple-choice backstory introduction to Alter!


Which was your favorite backstory for Alter? Do you want to know how she got those scars? Wondering


Based on what we saw in the trailer, I'm pretty curious to see what special interactions Alter may have with Horizon in-game to go along with Loba/Revenant, Bangalore/Newcastle, Horizon/Ash of course, and so on.


What sort of team comps are you all looking to try out either with Alter or to counter her? Do we see her taking some spots in Ranked team comps?

Edit: Post now includes 100% more gameplay trailers!


Message 1 of 13 (885 Views)

Re: Alter Revealed - Discuss the newest Legend here!

[ Edited ]
★★ Expert

@EA_Mako"What sort of team comps are you all looking to try out either with Alter or to counter her?"

Well, I'm naturally not gonna unlock her, as I'm saving my 1.6m LTs for a rainy day. So I'm not gonna try her but I'm sure my randoms are gonna play her all the time, like they always do with new legends. So we're gonna try alot of Alter+Lifeline/Wraith, and whatever the 3rd plays.

Counter her? Like I counter all legends - I shoot them.

Message 2 of 13 (797 Views)

Re: Alter Revealed - Discuss the newest Legend here!

Community Manager
@EA_Mako The Horizon link left me wondering... excited to know more about Alter and their abilities. Been looking for a new main, so maybe? 🤔


Message 3 of 13 (735 Views)

Re: Alter Revealed - Discuss the newest Legend here!

Community Manager


That's pretty much the best hard counter there is, true enough haha!


Alter/Wraith is one of the first combos that came to mind for me, all the phasing hijinks should make for some pretty creative scenarios hopefully!

Message 4 of 13 (703 Views)

WraithLobash looks cool

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Pro

(Re Alter the new legend)



Maybe missing the kind of relocation I like, but looked like an incredibly sneaky / tricky type of legend.


Will definitely take her for a spin.


Less keen on the evil/digital witchiness though


Who else thinks she'll be fun?

Message 5 of 13 (671 Views)

Re: Alter Revealed - Discuss the newest Legend here!

★★★★★ Pro

She looks fun and tricky - I'll definitely be taking her for a spin!


She's like a WraithLobash.



I'd pair her with a caustic or Wattson to put some traps at the other side of those portals.



Similarly maybe you could use such legends to counter her.


If Ash tactical worked better she could potentially have been a good counter.


Maybe use a Loba to counter deathbox stealing.



Assuming she'll be skirmisher class?

Message 6 of 13 (664 Views)

Re: Alter Revealed - Discuss the newest Legend here!

Community Manager



WraithLobash sounds about right, I like it. Large smile


Interesting bunker-buster type of gameplay, so anyone that can toss something down in reaction to a fast push could be helpful for sure.

Message 7 of 13 (660 Views)

Re: Alter Revealed - Discuss the newest Legend here!

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Pro

@EA_MakoThere was nothing I loved more when maining Wattson than to put a fence right through the middle of a Wraith portal and stand beside it.

Message 8 of 13 (658 Views)

Re: Alter Revealed - Discuss the newest Legend here!

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert

@EA_MariPretty sure she's just been hired to off her since she's so close to cracking time travel. What's Interesting is we have yet another assassin in the game.

Her abilities make me hate her already as she will be a hard counter for defensive legends holed up somewhere. I'm sure she'll be interesting to play to see how the abilities really work & what limitations they have.


I think she'll be assault class.

Message 9 of 13 (590 Views)

Re: Alter Revealed - Discuss the newest Legend here!


I hope her abilities make noise. If I die to an alter coming through a wall with no sound it's gonna be real frustrating. 

Message 10 of 13 (523 Views)