Friendlies issues - Information needed

by EA_rephii

Original Post

Betreff: Friendlies issues - Information needed

★★★ Apprentice


What is your gamertag/PSN ID? Felix_Hawkins
Please specify your platform model:

Can you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug? 05/11/23
What is your time zone?
GMT +2
How often does the bug occur? 
One can no longer measure that
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? 
Play FIFA 23 - Pro Clubs with 11 players and search a match. Welcome to the lottery
What happens when the bug occurs? many. You will be kicked out of the lineup, some will not be included in the game, an unknown error occurs (with a message) and/or the invites cannot be seen

Video of start to end of the issue would help massively.

All links in this post




My EA Play Pro is already cancelled. Let's see if I can still change this. It's in your power <3

Message 21 of 33 (928 Views)

Re: Friendlies issues - Information needed

★ Apprentice

Almost a Month now since this issue started and no Resolution??

Message 22 of 33 (908 Views)

Re: Friendlies issues - Information needed

★★★ Newbie

GT: Poison l93l

platform: Xbox

model: Xbox Series S

date of issue: April / 2023

time zone: Eastern time

Bug occurrence: Every time I’m trying to connect to a 11v11 friendly on proclubs

how can you find bug yourself: try connecting 11 Proclubs players on one end and send or accept friendly on the other end, set up roles, kits and everything that’s supposed to be set and you’ll see the game will crash or kick people out of the lobby or simple you will not be able to connect and the lobby will have to be reset every time.

will provide several streams of pro clubs players during issue if needed. 

Message 23 of 33 (902 Views)

Re: Friendlies issues - Information needed

★★ Novice
@EA_rephii in our community, teams try to play every day. you are more than welcome to watch it live or someone who can help
Message 24 of 33 (895 Views)

Re: Friendlies issues - Information needed

★★★★ Novice
What is your gamertag/PSN ID? Maryland l 21
Platform: Xbox X/S
Please specify your platform model: X
Can you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug? 06/23/2023 - 06/24/2023 specifically but consistent occurrences for nearly a month

What is your time zone? EST
How often does the bug occur? Multiple times every night. It’s easily taken more than 10 attempts to join a friendly multiple times before a connection is made where all 22 players are able to stay in game. Often times the connection with a full 22 never occurs.

Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Try to send a friendly to another club with 11 players per club.

What happens when the bug occurs? I’ll list the various bugs
1. Friendly requests aren’t received when other club sends
2. Friendly is sent & accepted, but one or more player(s) is immediately removed from their position and placed back into the lobby (before kit selection)
3. Friendly is sent & accepted, but one or more player(s) get kicked from their position and put into the lobby, then eventually the whole team gets the same bug. (Before kit selection)
4. Friendly is sent & accepted, the kit selection pops up and one or more players are dashboarded
5. Friendly is sent/accepted get to kit selection and the countdown timer restarts at 30 (I believe) match either doesn’t connect or connects with nearly all players booted.

There are multiple other ways that it’s bugged but i honesty have lost count of the different ways it occurs

Video of start to end of the issue would help massively

Starting clip of issue

Ending clip of issue

Another clip of friendlies not working

Another one
Message 25 of 33 (890 Views)

Re: Friendlies issues - Information needed

★ Apprentice

same with me on PC...all things allready said from ppls over me

Message 26 of 33 (864 Views)

Betreff: Friendlies issues - Information needed

★ Novice

Gamertag/PSN ID: O4S-FrischFischi
Platform: PC
Please specify your platform model:PC

Can you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug? 05/12/2023
What is your time zone? GMT+2
How often does the bug occur? very often
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? full line up (min 9-11 players). Invite other team with the same amount of players. Invite the team and try to play a game to see the bug. Alternatively twicht clips
What happens when the bug occurs?
  Mainly Connections lost before the game starts or 2-3 players lose connection.


Message 27 of 33 (854 Views)

Re: Friendlies issues - Information needed

★ Apprentice

@EA_rephii There are a few problems with friendlies, here are some examples from last 2 weeks:
(RS and GK get kicked out of lineup after we sent an invitation to the opponent, getting an error message)
(it takes very long for both to connect to the game and then the game session is not available anymore)
(last player on the bench cant enter the lineup, after lobby reset someone else had the same issue, both had to restart)

(at the start LCM got error message, later RS got stuck in line up & didnt even see the kit choice - both didnt connect to the game)

there are a few more things that make this game unplayable at this time, for example:

"the opponent sent invitation, it took around 30sec just to pop up on our captains screen, we connected to the game but it was just loading and loading until they got the message that we didnt accept their invitation/ it just expired.. and a few seconds later we got the message that the session is no longer available" (twitch doesnt let me make a clip)

also some other minor issues:
(christmas mode in pro clubs, pitch is just snow white)
(we chose black kits and default kits and end up playing red vs red)

I think others can send you some links aswell because thats definitely not everything what destroys pro clubs at the moment.

We all hope that you guys investigate and fix it asap. I know its not FUT and we dont pay extra money like they do on FUT, but thats not how it works. As some others said, not everyone play more than clubs, some just buy this game to play clubs and have fun with their mates. but this.. is not even close to fun, this is giving us headaches for several weeks now.

So PLEASE fix it!

Thank you Thumbs up

Message 28 of 33 (848 Views)

Re: Friendlies issues - Information needed

★★★ Novice

Gamertag/PSN ID: DownyCalf219146
Platform: Xbox series s
Please specify your platform model: Series S

Can you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug? 06/23/2023
What is your time zone? Eastern Standard Time
How often does the bug occur? Very often
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? full line up (min 9-11 players). Invite other team with the same amount of players. Invite the team and try to play a game to see the bug.
What happens when the bug occurs?
  Mainly Connections lost before the game starts or 2-3 players lose connection.

Message 29 of 33 (838 Views)

Re: Friendlies issues - Information needed

[ Edited ]
★★ Apprentice

@EA_rephii wrote:

Hey there, 


At the moment our team is focused to look into the issues regarding friendlies matchmaking receiving permanent errors. 
⚠ Please only use this thread if you experience issues with Friendlies matchmaking in any form.
For League / regular matchmaking issues please use this thread:
Could you follow the usual Bug template flow and let us know: 

What is your gamertag/PSN ID?
Please specify your platform model:

Can you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug?
What is your time zone?
How often does the bug occur?
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?
What happens when the bug occurs?

Video of start to end of the issue would help massively.

I know that this seems a lot to ask, but the team is hesitant to reproduce and fix the issue, but we need some player data based on this issue.

GT: MoIsTheBeast. 
Platform: Xbox Series X. 
Date: Cannot pinpoint but it started in May and it got worst over time. 
Time Zone: EST. 
Bug Occurrence: The bug occurs upwards of 90 percent when connecting to friendlies for 11 vs 11 in FIFA 23’s Pro Clubs. 
Steps to locate the bug: Make two clubs in Pro Clubs and try connecting via a friendly. Failure rate is above 90 percent. 
What happens: An error message appears which stops the process of connecting to a friendly game, or people get kicked while trying to connect to a friendly. 


Message 30 of 33 (827 Views)


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