Lost account progress.


Original Post

I lost my APEX account

★★★ Novice

I lost my APEX account, around the beginning of April, I logged into my account, before that, I hadn't logged into my account for a month or two, after going live I found that all the items in my account were gone, the account level was reset to level one, including music packs, skins, legends and stuff, it seemed like a brand new account, until now, I've been playing APEX for almost 200 hours and I need someone to help me

Message 11 of 18 (329 Views)

Re: So i came back to apex after a break and lost all my thing help would be app

Community Manager



Please make contact with an EA Game Advisor so we can look into this for you.

Click the following link to get started:



Message 12 of 18 (314 Views)

Re: Lost all my stuff and level reset to 1

★★ Novice

The platform I play on is Pc on Steam and no I didn't have any other platforms unlinked from my account.

Message 13 of 18 (209 Views)

Re: Lost all my stuff and level reset to 1

Community Manager
@Qkuie thanks for your reply. Can you please check your Inbox here on AHQ. I messaged you there.


Message 14 of 18 (158 Views)

Lost account progress.

★★★★★ Newbie

I haven't logged into the game for a long time, and also didn't log in at the time of the global crash (April 2). But the account progress is completely lost to the state of the first launch. Accounts did not disconnect, were linked all the time.

Message 15 of 18 (171 Views)


★ Novice

My apex account has been reset to level 1 too since I returned to this game on April 2th :D ,and I have played apex for 400hs ,the past level has exceeded 300+. I hope Respawn can help us find the lost file, thanku!!!

Message 16 of 18 (148 Views)

My account data is missing

★★ Novice


After I logged in on April 2nd, my account became a level 1 account, all the items in the account were gone, what should I do to get my account back

Message 17 of 18 (114 Views)

Re: My account data is missing

Community Manager

Hey everyone, 

Please check your Inbox in AHQ, I've sent you a DM requesting some further information. 


Message 18 of 18 (95 Views)