The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

by saMuxTV

Original Post

The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

[ Edited ]
★★★ Apprentice

Really not sure what we're doing over there at EA. This season has been a huge disappointment. SBMM is an absolute mess, we were told Auto aim on controller's were being discussed to pivot from the controller meta 4 months ago and still no updates, Cheater's running rampant, Fresh account's with rookies playing against master player's. Seriously what is EA doing? Every single fight is just people insta beaming with a controller because everyone is abusing auto aim, even the pros who are insane on Mouse and Keyboard made the switch. This is no longer a PC game it's a console game. Then to top it all off you release an event with 0 rewards unless you spend money, not even a couple double take packs, just a garbage valkyrie skin and 50 blue essence. That's wild. There's a reason the double take event trailer got massively down voted. It's like you guys just don't care about the game, that's why were losing our playerbase, and pretty much a huge chunk of Mouse and Keyboard player's have dropped the game because of the ridiculous advantage of using a controller. Really sad to see the state of the game and EA doing absolutely nothing to fix it. You guys address literally NONE of these things and drop a skin for $200. There's way too many games on the market competing for player's time and money and this was just a smack in the face. The game isn't fun, the season isn't fun, extremely stingy with the rewards for events, just a huge cash grab and disrespectful to your player base. Overall a huge L. Sad to see it. Hopefully one day this game get's better, not sure how we haven't learned after 5 years. Really unfortunate. 

Message 1 of 27 (510 Views)

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

★★★★ Expert

There's no game in existence that was ever anything but a money machine. I agree that it's sad how long it takes the dev to address even the most obvious and easily-fixed problems, and sadder still to see how they acknowledge a problem and then three or four seasons go by before they make any change at all, and then it's a change which is almost always too little and certainly far too late.

But in their defense, keep bringing the $200 skins. I love watching fools parted from their money. Especially when, as an EA shareholder, I'm the beneficiary.

I'd like to say something about "auto aim on controller" but all it will do is insult people who really believe that aim assist is the moral equivalent of an aim bot.

In the end, yes, the last two season have been horrific, both in terms of design decisions and lack of attention to crippling problems. And all they need to do is re-build their matchmaking algorithm, segregate PC from console permanently, and do something about the anti-cheat. Anything at all. Just show us you know it's a problem.
Message 2 of 27 (418 Views)

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

★★★★★ Pro
@saMuxTV What gets me is the lost opportunity. If they fixed the core issues with this game, I'd think that would make them a bunch of money. I know I'd buy Apex coins if they were able to make significant, meaningful fixes to anti-cheat and matchmaking.
Message 3 of 27 (413 Views)

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

[ Edited ]
★★★ Apprentice



I'm not sure if you're controller player but I agree with the seperation of queus, The way i see it is if even the best pro player's who are insane on MnK made the switch to controller because it's "busted" then why would I try and get better at the game when I'm getting out performed by a different input system. I'm for sure not saying controller takes no skill, I'm saying it's discouraging when you get one clipped in rookie from someone on console. It's not a "i got outplayed" moment. It's simply, oh okay he held down L1 and the controller tracked me, this get's even worse with the Cronus Zen as well as other controller mods that are basically just cheats at that point, along with the actual cheaters in the game. It just doesn't feel good. I'm by no means great at the game, I peaked diamond in the very early seasons, but the motivation is lost when 90% of the playerbase now uses controller including the pro scene, I don't feel like the target audience anymore, and that's fine. I'll just choose not to play. Not saying MnK player's can't beat controller player's just saying the time invested it would take me to out perform someone comfortable on a controller with MnK aim just isn't worth my time investment. I'm not trying to flame controller player's I just want a even playing field.

Message 4 of 27 (362 Views)

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

★★★ Apprentice
@HappyHourSumwur That's the sad part is Apex has the potential to be one of the greats again they just choose not to be. Just some QoL updates and touching up some bugs (cough audio cough) and the controller / mnk queus and I would be grinding this game non stop. But they've had 5 years to fix the no audio and they said 4 months ago they were working on a solution for MnK vs Controller and still no word. I doubt they'll fix anything.
Message 5 of 27 (359 Views)

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

[ Edited ]
★ Pro

With those stats now in the wild, Respawn has a quite huge Problem explaining why they haven nerfed Aim Assist long time ago (arent they huge on Competitive Integrity ?!? Sry i had to bring that joke) and why it will take them years!!!! to fix the problem when they already have a cheap and working solution at hand since 15 Seasons and other Games also already using it.
But they rather watch the Steam numbers decline, guess until no MnK Player will ever touch a Respawn title again. Mission accomplished !


Message 6 of 27 (350 Views)

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

★★★ Apprentice
@r1ggedgame Amen brother! Don't forget about Cronus Zen and all the other modded controllers out there that essentially give you aim hacks! But that's ok! :D
Message 7 of 27 (344 Views)

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

[ Edited ]
★★ Guide

@r1ggedgameI mean it was obvious, everyone that is honest knows that aimassist is overtuned. Any controllerplayer that keeps pretending it doesn’t do that much and blablabla is just delusional.

Will ea do something ? No they won’t if they are lucky they have about 20% of their mnk playerbase left…the rest went to other shooters, they won’t anger their controllerplayerbase.

Message 8 of 27 (327 Views)

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

★★★★★ Apprentice
@saMuxTV But but but MnK players all have God like movement like Faide so that evens it out lol.
I would like to see it go back to the way it used to be for MnK players.
Remember Crossplay? when we would occasionally come across a controller player..
To me if you want to plug a controller into a Pc then go play with other controller players on console simple.
Message 9 of 27 (312 Views)

Re: The state of the game right now is awful. But here's a $200 skin.

★★★★ Expert

Agreed across the board, except "okay he held down L1 and the controller tracked me." That isn't aim assist. That's someone who is insanely good, and would be on any input, or someone who is cheating. I've been playing shooters on xbox since 2001 and I have never one clipped anyone in any game unless they were afk, and even that's hard to do in this game with all the randomness baked in to the weaponry. It would be easy to say that I'm just not good at aiming, but I've seen the algs accuracy numbers and mine are no worse. So my aim isn't the short straw in the equation. It just seems far more likely that some people cheat. Probably, as the anecdotal evidence suggests, a LOT of people.
Message 10 of 27 (284 Views)