Re: unlinked PSN account

by Uphill4

Original Post

unlinked PSN account

★★★ Newbie

hey my account got unlinked by mistake and i need help with after i talked to other support who linked me to this page

Message 1 of 3 (134 Views)

Re: unlinked PSN account

★★★ Newbie

or not exactly unlinked but like i tried to logg in and somehow i got in a new account with my old friends but new fresh stats and skins

Message 2 of 3 (128 Views)

Re: unlinked PSN account

Community Manager

Hey @Uphill4,


It looks like the account you're posting with was just created very recently.


Progress is stored on the EA Account level, not on individual platforms like PlayStation, Xbox, Steam, etc. This means if you link your platform to a different EA account, you'll lose access to that progress.


If you've linked another platform to this EA Account, that would be why you're no longer seeing any progress. You would need to re-link your platforms to the original EA Account to try restoring access to any progress.


If you have any issues re-linking your accounts please reach back out to support so they can help get your platform account back to its original EA account.
Message 3 of 3 (46 Views)