Field Goal Block Glitch

by wc8o3bc8wz3d

Original Post

Field Goal Block Glitch

★★★ Apprentice
Message 1 of 10 (3,900 Views)

Re: Field Goal Block Glitch

Community Manager

Raised it up to the team, thank you.
Message 2 of 10 (3,842 Views)

Re: Field Goal Block Glitch

★★★ Novice

did you raise it up with the team? 4 months later and on a complete different madden now and it’s still an issue 

Message 3 of 10 (3,435 Views)

Re: Field Goal Block Glitch

★★ Novice

Lol ea be like that.

Message 4 of 10 (3,368 Views)

Re: Field Goal Block Glitch

★ Novice

Can you provide an update on the field goal block glitch?

I have just lost another game of many because someone is exploiting the game. 
I am top 90 on regs leaderboards & it is so demoralizing when you lose to someone simply cheating. 

Message 5 of 10 (2,793 Views)

Re: Field Goal Block Glitch

★★ Novice

Hello. Can you please fix/patch the field goal, extra point, punt block glitch (hold R2/spam X) for Madden on old generation? User gets extra speed and blocks everything. Its no fun worrying if your opponent knows the glitch or not. 

Message 6 of 10 (1,871 Views)

Re: Field Goal Block Glitch

★★★★★ Newbie
@EA_Blueberry So it's been two years now and the Fg block glitch is still negatively ruining games. It's on current gen. Can y'all fix this or not? Just give an answer, it's getting old and should be easy to fix. Even with your sorry programmers.
Message 7 of 10 (1,364 Views)

Re: Field Goal Block Glitch

★★★★★ Newbie

So what's the answer?  Geesh dude, follow up!

Message 8 of 10 (1,362 Views)

Re: Field Goal Block Glitch

★★★ Newbie

It's still a thing on Madden 24, season 6. Just lost on an undefeated run in the playoffs. I would have hit the game winning fg to win 6-3. He blocked the kick with the glitch and returned it as time expired to win 9-3. Absolute insanity. Beyond infuriating. I simply cannot fathom how this hasn't been patched.

Message 9 of 10 (325 Views)

Re: Field Goal Block Glitch

★★★ Newbie

They just don’t care, and they’ll copy and paste the same code into the next game to make millions again because they have a monopoly. Why fix it when people will buy the game anyway!? Our only option now is to boycott Madden, but that’s up to us as consumers as this process will repeat itself in perpetuity.

Message 10 of 10 (284 Views)