Missing Game Modes Tiles? Auction House Lock? Suspended/Banned? LOOK HERE!

by EA_Blueberry

Original Post

Re: Wrongfully Banned

Community Manager
Hey @0u9qta0123q1,

I do see you've already submitted an appeal, so our Terms of Service team will review that and get back to you via email once their investigation is complete.

Afraid this is not something we're able to review or provide any more specific information about on the forums, sorry.
Message 31 of 135 (2,171 Views)

Re: Wrongfully Banned

★★★★ Novice

I just noticed it’s only my Xbox series x that I’m banned on but I can still play on my other Xbox’s so I’m just confused is it because I just traveled across from another country?

Message 32 of 135 (2,162 Views)

Why can’t I access auction house, account has no ban?

★★★ Newbie

cannot use auction house but my account isn’t banned

Message 33 of 135 (2,178 Views)

Re: Why can’t I access auction house, account has no ban?

★★★★ Novice

Same, they never fixed much. 

Message 34 of 135 (2,158 Views)

Re: Banned from Companion App

★★★★ Novice

They are just buying time telling you, no real answer. 

Message 35 of 135 (2,120 Views)

Re: 3 weeks in, finally unbanned, EA though...

★★★★ Novice

Typical of them, don’t expect much more. 

Message 36 of 135 (2,132 Views)

Re: Banned for no reason!

★★★★ Novice

Same issue. I’ve been banned, no email to explain why I am banned, called EA help. They told me I am banned, can’t explain why I am banned, I have no idea why didn’t receive an email. Checked my ban history, I don’t have any. I’ve called repeatedly with no satisfaction. If I did something they violated the terms of service, how the heck am I supposed to know what it is if they won’t tell me what I did. And their customer service tells me they have no idea. Really? They just tell me to wait

Message 37 of 135 (2,128 Views)

Re: 3 weeks in, finally unbanned, EA though...

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

I had the same problem last year.  Their customer service just tells you that they can't help, that your case needs to be reviewed by someone on the TOS team, which they neglect to do before they ban you. 


Meanwhile, the leaderboards for Online H2H Seasons and Squads have been overtaken by bots/coinsellers, with EA not noticing, and won't fix it to improve online gameplay,; perhaps if they discover they are making less money on packs.  Notice that half of the accounts are letters followed by 5-6 digits, none of which has ever had a point scored against them.  


As consumers, we are stuck waiting and hoping they get competition again when the NFLPA agreement comes up for renewal.  Because EA has proven an incapable steward of a football monopoly.


Here's hoping.

Message 38 of 135 (2,119 Views)

Auction House

★ Novice

Why is my auction house locked 

Message 39 of 135 (2,152 Views)

Re: Wrongfully Banned

★ Apprentice
How do you guys ban me and say I’m a bot ? Why doesn’t anyone get back to me ? Why have you taken my money and ask me to verify a million times on companion and now say I’m a bot ? Why did I do all the missions if I’m a bot ? Why did I spend money in the store if I’m a bot ? Why do I watch GMM and MCS if I’m a bot ? Why do I play Superstar KO ? Why do I play the yard ? Why did I spend $$$ in The Yard ? Please find the courage to explain this to me ! It seems you guys are the bots banning and with no proof ! No explanation and false information. What bot does all these things ? At this point right before team diamonds ? Why cant I get an explanation ? I’ve been buying madden since 2014 do I not earn an explanation ?
Message 40 of 135 (2,120 Views)