How to Change Your Language in Older Sims Titles

by Tremayne4260

Original Post

How to Change Your Language in Older Sims Titles

[ Edited ]

At this time the EA App does not allow for changing your language in individual games when you switch or redownload/install the game except at installation. You can change your language in the EA App itself, but it does not automatically apply to every game in your Library unless you had your language set for that game previously in Origin. 


Here is a link for instructions on how to change your language in whichever game you are currently trying to play. While the instructions specifically mention Sims 4, this applies to any game in the EA App.

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Message 1 of 2 (3,624 Views)

Re: How to Change Your Language in Older Sims Titles

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

How to change TS2 language editing Windows Registry


Works for Sims 2 but be cautious if you want to try it on other installments, I never did it for them, hence I wouldn't recommend to do it for other sim games.


In the time I used to share some custom content on the internet, (2006-2008 at both Insimenator sites, and 2009 to 2011 at the deceased Back Alley Sims) most times I needed to switch between the Spanish version (my local language) and the English one, to be faithful to the ingame words and even to take some screenshots for some help I tried to give to other fellow simmers in those forums, as TS2 has all (supported) language strings inside the .package files, even you can find the U.I strings and the load screens for all supported languages in them, I edited Windows registry to do it, today I decided to write my experience with these tasks and googled to find some screenshots to borrow for my post and not deal with windows registry only to get some screenshots, then I found this great tutorial at MTS that shows exactly what I used to do in those old times.


As that tuto is pretty old, it was based on winXP 32 bit and base game only, then I'd change/add some small details to what the tutorial say.


Here are my changes:


Remember to do a backup of your registry before making any change to it, (just in case)  it has to be done using the command export under the menu file in the registry editor, if something goes wrong , with that backup you can restore the registry to the point it was before your edit, just need to doubleclick on the file you saved and accept, the registry editor will do the task.


1.-  For Win 10 users, to run regedit press and hold the Windows key + R. In the window that comes up, type "regedit", and hit enter.


2-  These are the keys you'll have to look and edit:


2.1- For game base only in 32 bit windows: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\1.0 and for base game in 64 bit windows: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\1.0.


2.2-  For games with some expansion/stuff packs installed in Windows 32 bit: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EA GAMES\*name of last-installed expansion or stuff pack*\1.0  for Windows 64 bit: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\EA GAMES\*name of last-installed expansion or stuff pack*\1.0 


2.3- For Ultimate collection in Windows 32: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Fun with Pets Collection\1.0. and Windows 64 bits: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Fun with Pets Collection\1.0


3.- Remember that these changes only work for the game supported languages.

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