Sims Medieval completely broke my computer?

by ACOMET520

Original Post

Sims Medieval completely broke my computer?

★★★ Newbie

So I bought the Sims Medieval like 2 days ago and have been playing a bit and I've gotten sort of far in the first ambition. I've got most of the professions and my wizard was at level 7. I bought the market so I could unlock the merchant and flesh out my kingdom, I started furnishing it and then I made a horrible mistake. When trying to rotate an item, I hit the windows button instead of alt. This shouldn't have been a big issue, since I had done this many times before and the game had been fine, but this time all hell broke loose. My computer went black, the sims medieval minimized and revealed to have shrunk my screen view size and magnified text. I could open apps and anything on the taskbar, and even tried to use task manager, but nothing was responding. I can't restart, I can't shut down, I can't use task manager and close the apps, I can't close the apps on their own, my touchpad stopped working correctly, I couldn't change tabs or open new ones, my whole computer just broke. I have literally no idea how to fix this, because I can't even hold down the power button to shut it off because it requires you to swipe down with the touchpad that isn't working anymore. I'm probably gonna let my computer run out of battery and then try to start it back up, but I'm nervous this might permanently kill it? WHAT DO I DO?! This is a gaming PC laptop, windows 11, intel core, and it was *not cheap*. It was a very recent Christmas gift and I'd hate to loose my only gaming computer. This laptop is one of my most important possessions. I am not a computer whiz so I don't know what's important to know so here's what I could find on stickers I haven't taken off my computer:


Important info (i think):

- No mods were installed

- Nobility and Pirates was installed

- Windows 11

- No emulators, stability mods, or changed settings were used. I launched it from the origin default settings.

- Intel Core i7 (idk what this means)


I've looked through a ton of posts but I can't see any with this problem, PLEASE HELP!! SAVE MY COMPUTER!!


tldr; hit the windows button in sims medieval and now none of my apps are responding and I can't shut down or restart my computer. Help pls

Message 1 of 4 (1,358 Views)

Re: Sims Medieval completely broke my computer?


@ACOMET520 , have you tried to quit the game through Task Manager or shut down your computer using Control + Alt + Delete? Sorry, I don't have Windows 11, but I'm guessing these features are still there?



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Message 2 of 4 (1,314 Views)

Re: Sims Medieval completely broke my computer?

★★★ Newbie

I had this issue and was panicking for a while!! If anyone else has this issue, I solved it by holding down the power button, and ignoring the slide to shut down pop-up. Just keep holding it down and it will shut off. My laptop screen was back to normal once I turned it back on.

Message 3 of 4 (674 Views)

Re: Sims Medieval completely broke my computer?

★★★ Newbie
@ACOMET520 I have the same problem with my laptop and TSM! Whenever I try and exit the game it minimizes my desktop and then the hotbar and my desktop icons glitch around and duplicate themselves and then the screen just goes black. It’s terrifying! The only way I can make it stop is by hard restarting my laptop by pressing the power button. The game runs just fine, but trying to exit it like soft crashes my PC in the same way you described. If anyone has any solutions or knowledge of why this is happening I would greatly appreciate the help! ^^
Message 4 of 4 (257 Views)