The Sims Medieval - Registering the game on Origin/EA App

by mate54

Original Post

The Sims Medieval - Registering the game on Origin/EA App


If you own a disk version of The Sims Medieval and have tried to register it on Origin or EA App, you might have been greeted with the following error:


We're sorry, this code cannot be redeemed here. Please redeem your code at the following site:


Unfortunately, the error message points you to the incorrect website, which is used for redeeming The Sims 3 bonus content, and requires 16-digit codes, while The Sims Medieval has a 20-digit code.


To register The Sims Medieval and access your digital download, please follow these steps:


  1. Visit
  2. Using the Login button on the top left, log in to The Sims 3 website using your EA Account login details. They should be the same as your Origin / EA App login, as this will determine which account the game is registered on.
  3. Once logged in, scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the Register a Game button, or visit this link.
  4. Enter your Sims Medieval code in the 20-digit field, then click Register.
  5. Refresh your Origin / EA App library, and your game should be available for download.

If you also own The Sims Medieval: Pirates and Nobles Adventure Pack, it should be redeemable directly on Origin / EA App. The error above only applies to the base game.

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Message 1 of 12 (6,134 Views)

Re: The Sims Medieval - Registering the game on Origin/EA App

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Novice

Windows 10 user here and original discs owner.


I followed your steps and while it did get the game in my EA App, it gave me an error that states: "The Sims Medieval cannot run. The installation is incomplete. Please reinstall and try again."


So the troubleshooting began. I reinstalled the game 3x, repaired 3x, uninstalled and reinstalled the EA app all with no luck. I contacted EA support and they had no additional advice other than sending me these two links:


So, I tried the first link since the game did appear in the EA app and I happened to notice there was no product key in the properties area like my other Sims games, even though it was entered on


In order for the game to recognize my valid key, I had to install both the base game and the EP discs. My product key then appeared in the EA app.


I then had to uninstall the EP, reboot, uninstall the base game and reboot. I then re-installed the game via the EA app. 


In order for the game to launch for the first time I had to change the compatibility mode to Windows 7. The game then informed me it didn't recognize my graphics card. So I closed the game, and ran Graphics Rule Maker to have the game recognize my card. Then I removed the compatibility mode.


After completing all these steps, I am now able to run the game with no issues. I'm assuming if I get a new PC or upgrade from Windows 10 to 11 all I'll have to do is run the Graphics Rule Maker and install via the EA app.


Just posting this in case it could help someone else out, or if I need it again in the future.

Message 2 of 12 (5,714 Views)

Re: The Sims Medieval - Registering the game on Origin/EA App

@nopeekiepeekie Thank you for this information. There is still a lot we need to figure out regarding The Sims Medieval and EA App, since some players have reported some issues after switching from Origin, while others haven't had any trouble just installing and playing.

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Message 3 of 12 (5,700 Views)

Re: The Sims Medieval - Registering the game on Origin/EA App

★ Novice
@nopeekiepeekie I get a different error, it says the code is invalid. the game appears in my EA app, but when I hit play it doesn't launch, it says it's an unexpected error on their end...i've repaird it, uninstalled it, re-installed...nothing works...I'm not tech savi so i don't know what to do what you did, any ideas?
Message 4 of 12 (5,660 Views)

Re: The Sims Medieval - Registering the game on Origin/EA App

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Novice

@Claumondragas so sorry i missed this originally.  your best bet is to try the steps Mate54 gave in the original post.  your only other option would be to contact EA.

Message 5 of 12 (5,065 Views)

Re: The Sims Medieval - Registering the game on Origin/EA App

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

@mate54Thanks a lot, I was already confused about it, as of now it still is loading to register. I am unsure if my account on the website is the same as my EA account. I believe so, But it so old thhat I do not even remember if they are connected together.


Edit: Never mind, it is downloading right now. I am curious how it will work out

Message 6 of 12 (4,968 Views)

Re: The Sims Medieval - Registering the game on Origin/EA App

★★★ Newbie

I wasnt able to get my game into Origin, I am receiving the following error: 

The serial code you entered is invalid. Please enter a valid serial code and re-submit.
What does this mean?

I am the only owner of the game ever, and nobody other than me had access to the CD-Key which up to this day I have on the back of the original manual of the game. How can I contact EA to fix my account?

Message 7 of 12 (4,723 Views)

Re: The Sims Medieval - Registering the game on Origin/EA App


@Rey_Hammer , did you register the code at the Sims 3 website?

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Message 8 of 12 (4,707 Views)

Re: The Sims Medieval - Registering the game on Origin/EA App

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

update: yes, I must have registered a long time ago (didn’t even remember, but I saw an additional content code inside the CD box that asked for the registration so, I figured that I must have done in the past, so after some email filtering I found and was able to recover - it has been idk, 8 years? So yeah, don’t blame me for not remembering, but I was glad that it automatically converted the account into an EA Games apparently, at least I didn’t have to take any additional step to convert/migrate).


however I still wasn’t able to play… origin/EA Games, just doesn’t work… the game doesn’t open, not even black screen of “trying to open”… and it gives an error on the EA games application saying something happened on their end…


so if anyone is looking to play, and was in the same situation as me, I can tell upfront it is not worthy… cuz even with the serial key and the game on the origin/ea games app, it doesn’t work…


I even saw some scripts related with processor affinity, but my processor is a 10th gen (also tried on a 7th gen) which doesn’t have this fancy core stuff, so it should work without that, even though I tried using it… anyway, the error says it is something on EA games side…  don’t  have the print at the moment (EDIT: just added below), but it is a default error that shows up on a lot of videos and places related with EA Games… some people said it was cache, it is impossible, I just downloaded EA Games on a recently installed OS, there are no cache files laying around… so I figure it does make sense to be something broken on their end indeed… I already didn’t expect much from EA, but this is way worse than my expectations, cuz the game is actually available to be bought… I would have been furious if I had just bought it nowadays and it is packed with a mystery on how to fry your pc with shady stuff to run a AAA game…

EDIT: including the error message;

Message 9 of 12 (4,701 Views)

Re: The Sims Medieval - Registering the game on Origin/EA App

★★ Novice

I followed the steps, restarted EA.  The game shows in my installed games, however, the PLAY icon is grayed out. Under the MANAGE icon, it says "Purchase Game", there is nothing in the download manager.

Message 10 of 12 (4,281 Views)