Unable to connect to the EA servers, Battlefield 2042

by Kammiiii

Original Post

Re: Unable to connect to the EA servers, Battlefield 2042

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice

Hello again,


I don't know if this helps, but I can play normally after the following:

1.  Uninstall EA Anti-cheat.

2.  Reboot

3.  Install EA Anti-cheat.

4.  Update EA Anti-cheat.


If I exit the Battlefield 2042 application and restart the Battlefield 2042 application, the connection issue re-occurs.  To play again, I have to do steps 1-4 again.



Message 31 of 52 (582 Views)

Re: Unable to connect to the EA servers, Battlefield 2042

★★★★ Novice

Since im having the same problem i will also be contributing by sending you guys the screenshot and posting one here.

I have also done all the steps mentioned in all the threads but to no avail.

Message 32 of 52 (541 Views)

Re: Unable to connect to the EA servers, Battlefield 2042

★★★★ Novice

Im having the same issues...... 1 thing I've noticed..... it takes 45 seconds to get the error and 10 seconds to reconnect. And it's consistent over and over. 

Message 33 of 52 (508 Views)

Re: Unable to connect to the EA servers, Battlefield 2042

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice

Can verify..... this works..... and apparently..... is a "Thing" EA, something is WRONG with your AC Program!

2 pt

Hello again,


I don't know if this helps, but I can play normally after the following:

1.  Uninstall EA Anti-cheat.

2.  Reboot

3.  Install EA Anti-cheat.

4.  Update EA Anti-cheat.


If I exit the Battlefield 2042 application and restart the Battlefield 2042 application, the connection issue re-occurs.  To play again, I have to do steps 1-4 again.


Message 34 of 52 (429 Views)

Re: Unable to connect to the EA servers, Battlefield 2042

★★★★ Novice

Here is more info to add to this mystery, When I start the game from the EA App, it then creates a Folder called "Game", in it is "httpcache" inside it is a lot of GARBAGE in this folder...... 44 items/files that are just numbers with no file extension. "C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Temp\Game\httpcache\" 


So when I start the game using the EA APP, as soon as it creates the "Game" folder, I immediately DELETE it. Whoa and behold ..... I can actually Play the game!!!! I do notice that the game loads MUCH MUCH slower, but I'm happy to say I can get in the game.


@AntiCheatWard , I have proven multiple times now that this "Work Around" works to get me in the game, Hopefuly others read this and try for themselves and help prove me right, so this is a local PC issue that either your AC software or the Game itself is messing with our computers...... What is it and Why?? Can we get a "Coder" from EA to chime in on this?? 


Looking forward to any type of reply, because this is ridiculous, and this started for me at the beginning of Season 7 of the game.



Message 35 of 52 (367 Views)

Re: Unable to connect to the EA servers, Battlefield 2042

★★★★ Novice

Yep!  This works.  It solved my issues and allows me to play as well.



Message 36 of 52 (348 Views)

Re: Unable to connect to the EA servers, Battlefield 2042

EA Anticheat Team
@Test4echo3 Well, that's an incredible find. The pathpings I received via DM were showing network traffic dropping at local ISPs, and I was working through trying to chat with our network engineering folks to figure that out further or how to even escalate out to the local ISPs.

I honestly have no idea what that folder is in relation to the EA app and why it would get created, it's not something we are generating within EA anticheat.

Let me reach out to the EA app team to figure out if this is something from their side, and we'll continue debugging.

Appreciate your patience on this, everyone.
Message 37 of 52 (322 Views)

Re: Unable to connect to the EA servers, Battlefield 2042

★★ Apprentice
@AntiCheatWard I've just tried the possible fix provided by the player but, unfortunately, it did not help and I was still getting disconnected.
Message 38 of 52 (302 Views)

Re: Unable to connect to the EA servers, Battlefield 2042

★★★★ Novice

@CLOWNVID-19  pay close attention to your TEMP folder, I forgot to add that it will try and recreate that “Game” folder again. 

Also, try uninstalling the anti cheat first, reboot, when you log back in, open your %temp% folder and delete everything in it…. But don’t close the window on that folder….. keep it open. Now start the game from the EA App and wait for the AC UAC window to pop up and ask you to install AC. Keep a close eye on your %temp% folder for the “Game” folder to be created, as soon as you see it “Delete” it and wait for the game to load. It’s not a fool proof fix…. It might take you 2 or 3 times to make it work….. but so far for me…. It works.


@AntiCheatWard  thanks for the follow up and the comment, I hope this gets resolved soon

Message 39 of 52 (294 Views)

Re: Unable to connect to the EA servers, Battlefield 2042

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice

WARNING PLAYERS!!!!    I got this email from EA, blocking access to Battlefield.  I HAVE NEVER CHEATED!  Help @AntiCheatWard@l4sof1 !  Please!!


Installing and deleting files must cheater activity.  I have only followed actions taken by others in this thread.  I also noted my attempts.  This is rubbing salt in an open wound!



Message 40 of 52 (173 Views)


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