Deep breath

Learn effective techniques to reduce stress and find inner peace. Take a deep breath and discover how to relax your mind and body for a healthier, happier life.
You think you know how to breathe. After all, you’ve been doing it all your life. But unless you have lived in a smog-free, stressless environment, how you breathe won’t cut it on the yoga mat. Yogic breathing techniques serve to expand your lungs’ capacity and slow down your respiratory rate. Learn the Three-Part ... Nostril Breathing, Pranayama Yoga, Alternate Nostril Breathing, Different Types Of Yoga, Yoga Breathing, Deep Breathing, Deep Breathing Exercises, Basic Yoga, Bikram Yoga

How to Strengthen Intercostal Muscles. Your intercostal muscles are nestled between your ribs. They tend to go about their business with little fanfare, quietly moving air in and out of your lungs. As you pick up the pace of your workout, however, you might hear some complaining from your ribcage area; cases of ...

Renee Charles