Fun walk

Discover fun walk ideas to make your stroll more enjoyable. From scenic routes to interactive activities, find ways to add excitement to your walks and stay active.
La marche rapide Blast Belly Fat, Walking Workout, Power Walking, Interval Workout, Lose 5 Pounds, Walking Exercise, Strength Training Workouts, High Intensity Interval Training, Lose 20 Pounds

La marche rapide

La marche rapide est un sport d'endurance, idéal pour brûler quelques calories et se vider la tête au grand air. Pratiquer la marche rapide régulièrement permet surtout de travailler ses fessiers et ses cuisses, mais c'est aussi le sport parfait pour commencer un régime. Lauriane s'y est mise il y a deux ans, et elle s'est métamorphosée : plus de muscles, moins de stress !

Create this balance challenge with a path of cut logs in varying heights. Contact your local tree trimmer to see if he can donate scraps, or cut them yourself in heights ranging from 2” to 10”. Space the stumps far enough apart so kids have to carefully plot each step as they walk the path. Bug Repellent Candles, Balance Challenge, Fun Backyard, Family Backyard, Big Tents, Outdoor Play Area, Kids Outdoor Play, Backyard Camping, Natural Playground

17 Games and Activities to Try at Your Kid's Next Playdate

Create this balance challenge with a path of cut logs in varying heights. Contact your local tree trimmer to see if he can donate scraps, or cut them yourself in heights ranging from 2” to 10”. Space the stumps far enough apart so kids have to carefully plot each step as they walk the path.

Ximena Gomez