Success Story


  • CTR


  • Registration Increase


The impact of the campaign with Brave was instant. We saw a huge increase in registrations when the campaign went live and users demonstrated a high intent to deposit on eToro.

Shiran Herzberg Performance Marketing Manager

Brave logo Brave Ads Performance

  • Registrations 230%
  • Clicks 1,318,763
  • Views 9,759,886
  • CTR 13.8%

eToro’s Challenge

eToro was looking for an advertising platform that offered high exposure to a relevant audience that is nearly impossible to reach programmatically. Their target market is very aligned with Brave users - early adopters, tech-savvy, crypto enthusiasts. eToro knew that 100% of their advertising dollars with Brave would be placed in front of people who had opted-in and had an interest in their ad.


eToro ran several campaigns with Brave. Phase one included Brave User Ads which increased registrations and led to a significant increase in crypto deposits. In phase two, eToro leveraged Brave’s New tab takeovers in combination with the Brave Notification ads which allowed eToro’s brand to get in front of millions of Brave users worldwide in a stunning billboard-like format. This led to sharp spikes in daily registrations. It was clear that combining Brave Notification ads and New tab takeovers was the key to exceeding campaign targets and business objectives.

eToro also took advantage of Brave’s post-campaign Brand Survey to get deeper insights into who saw and engaged with their campaign. The two campaigns performed exceptionally well, with a 13.8% CTR, a 230% increase in eToro account registrations.

The organic buzz the Brave campaign generated on our social media channels further increased our brand awareness and conversion rates for other marketing campaigns.
Shiran Herzberg
Performance Marketing Manager

Who is eToro

eToro was founded in 2007 with the vision of opening up the global markets so that everyone can invest in a simple and transparent way. The eToro platform enables people to invest in the assets they want, from stocks and commodities to crypto assets. We are a global community of more than thirteen million registered users who share their investment strategies; and anyone can follow the approaches of those who have been the most successful. Due to the simplicity of the platform users can easily buy, hold and sell assets, monitor their portfolio in real time, and transact whenever they want.

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Or for more information about setting up, contact adsales@brave.comPlease only use this email address if you are interested in purchasing advertising with Brave. For support, please visit