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Spend Limits

Primary Admins of an account can set spend limits for buyers.

Spend Limits

A Primary Admin can set monthly or transaction spending limits for buyers on an account. With spend limits they can:

  • Set a transaction limit per order
  • Set a monthly limit for multiple orders
  • Approve or decline an order
  • Change spend limits at any time

When a buyer places an order over their spend limit, it will be on hold for approval.

If you don’t see Spend Limits and Approvals in the app, check for the most recent update of the app.

Approval Orders

There’s a fixed amount of time for approval on an order. Orders that don’t get actioned will expire and cancel.

Pickup or delivery orders that will be ready in 2 days allow 30 minutes for the Primary Admin to take action on the order.

Shipping orders that arrive in more than 2 days will allow the Primary Admin 2 days to action the order.

Email Communications

Primary Admins and buyers will receive emails for:

  • Order submitted for approval
  • Approved order
  • Declined order
  • Expired order
  • Canceled order

Buyers will receive notifications when the Primary Admin assigns, updates, or removes a transaction or monthly limit.

How to Set Spend Limits

  1. Sign in and go to My Account.
  2. Select Manage Users under Manage Account.
  3. Select the Actions button for the user to set spending limits.
  4. Edit the monthly or transaction limit under Permissions on the User overview page.
  5. Enter the spending limit.
  6. Select Set limit.

How to Approve or Decline

  1. Sign in and go to My Account.
  2. Select Approvals under Manage Account.
    • A notification will show if there’s an order to approve.
  3. Select View details on the order that needs approval.
  4. Add optional comments.
  5. Select Approve or Decline.

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