Enterprise Strategy Group

ESG dives deep on the economic benefits of Google Cloud Dataproc

Learn how organizations can increase value, lower costs, and reduce complexity by deploying Dataproc

Explosive growth in the sizes of data stores makes the collection and storage of data a challenge. Many companies utilize on-prem Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark to store and query their data but find the cost and complexity, both in planning and managing on-prem Hadoop, to be overwhelming. The result is missed opportunities to pull value from data stores, increased risk to the security of their data, and a CapEx costing model that requires heavy periodic investments.

While benefits are realized through a combination of technology changes and best practices, ESG research finds that organizations can increase the value of insights queried in data, while lowering costs and complexity, by deploying Google Cloud Dataproc.

In this report, you will learn how Dataproc:
  • Lowers costs of storing and querying big data

  • Improves speed and overall quality of data insights

  • Reduces complexity when compared to on-prem solutions

Analyzing the economic benefits of dataproc
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