Make WordPress Core



21:29 Ticket #41083 (IP with port number triggers warnings in WP_Community_Events) reopened by iandunn
I was able to reproduce this. It looks like an edge case that we …
20:47 Ticket #42961 (REST API: Cannot pass empty object url encoded data) created by steffanhalv
Sending empty arrays to endpoints through Rest API is not handled …
20:44 Ticket #42960 (get_page_permastruct call causes 500 error.) created by wcwilson1950
This was discussed in #7589. I can't seem to find the plugin that is …
17:23 Ticket #42958 (create callers for loop functions to accept post id) created by tazotodua
I've always been surprised, why the loop functions (like the_title, …
16:51 Ticket #42957 (Usernames ending in a period generate invalid reset password links in ...) created by paulcline
Password reset links contain the username appended to the end of the …
15:11 Ticket #42954 (Add documentation for customize-preview-widgets.js) closed by atimmer
fixed: In 42416: […]
15:11 Changeset [42416] by atimmer
Docs: Improve JSDoc for customize-preview-widgets.js. Props …
14:58 Ticket #42956 (Improve JS Documentation: js/media-upload.js) created by ireneyoast
In our ongoing effort to improve JavaScript documentation, this patch …
14:31 Ticket #42955 (Add documentation for js/media/views/attachments.js) created by ireneyoast
Add documentation for js/media/views/attachments.js Please also give …
14:26 Ticket #42832 (Improve JS Documentation: /js/media/views/attachments.js) closed by atimmer
fixed: In 42415: […]
14:26 Changeset [42415] by atimmer
Docs: Improve JSDoc for media/views/attachments.js. Props …
13:52 Ticket #42954 (Add documentation for customize-preview-widgets.js) created by ireneyoast
Added documentation for wp-includes/js/customize-preview-widgets.js …
12:34 Ticket #42953 (Created images have a larger filesize than the original) created by aristath
Images uploaded in the media library get resized to the defined sizes. …
03:09 Ticket #42935 (Fix wrong use of esc_attr_e) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: Fixed in [42413].
02:39 Ticket #42951 (Remove zero width space character from description of parameter for ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42414: […]
02:39 Changeset [42414] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Remove erroneous zero-width space before URL in fetch_feed()
01:20 Ticket #42952 (Add comments about JS removal of message query_arg) created by davidsword
This is a follow-up to #23367. Can someone please add some …


23:06 Ticket #42946 (Missing a space before inline comment text) closed by netweb
wontfix: Closing this as SimplePie is an external 3rd party library that is …
22:52 Ticket #42951 (Remove zero width space character from description of parameter for ...) created by coffee2code
The parameter description for the $url parameter of fetch_feed()
18:27 Ticket #42950 (unwanted ads in my wordpress website) closed by jorbin
invalid: Hi @licagentbangalore, Welcome to the WordPress Bug Tracker, this is …
18:22 Ticket #40282 (header_image hook doesn't update get_theme_mods()) closed by obenland
invalid: Version 6 of WP Display Header should fix this issue.
17:35 Ticket #42950 (unwanted ads in my wordpress website) created by licagentbangalore
Dear All, My website is designed …
17:29 Ticket #42949 (wp_attachment_is() forces the page to get new instance of post) created by bowlerman235
In the wp_attachment_is function, the signature allows for the post to …
17:21 Ticket #42948 (Backbone client sending empty string in X-WP-Nonce header by default ...) created by FPCSJames
Environment I run several instances of "headless" WP 4.9.1, all …
17:03 Ticket #42947 (REST API wrong total pages) created by elvishp2006
When I require posts with the draft status the 'x-wp-total' and …
15:12 Ticket #42605 (category_description() does not work properly since 4.9) reopened by boonebgorges
@jorbin Ah yes, that makes perfect sense. Thanks for the …
15:10 Ticket #42946 (Missing a space before inline comment text) created by chetan200891
PHPCS gives an error. […] So It needs a space before starting …
11:53 Ticket #42945 (Not all error messages are capitalized) created by Presskopp
Let's capitalize all of them. I didn't touch class-pop3.php which …
09:16 Ticket #42944 (Video option for product gallery in woocommerce) closed by Clorith
invalid: Hi there, and welcome to Trac. This is where we file tickets for …
09:13 Ticket #42944 (Video option for product gallery in woocommerce) created by amandubey
07:33 Ticket #42943 (Editor bug) closed by dd32
wontfix: Hi @nishajd, This max-width is intentionally set by the theme, this …
07:28 Ticket #42876 (Bug in wordpress editor) closed by dd32
wontfix: Hi @hemrajrs and welcome to Trac. This appears to be due to a …
07:06 Ticket #42877 (Rest routes 404ing when setting permalink to default) closed by dd32
invalid: Hi @neesu as you've discovered, permalinks need to be enabled for …
07:03 Ticket #42874 (mediaelement-and-player.min.js javascript errors on Add New Post) closed by dd32
invalid: @bluesaphyer Assuming you've not already corrected this. > …
07:01 Ticket #42878 (PHP notice when a post has a term from a "numeric" taxonomy) closed by dd32
wontfix: I don't think using a numeric taxonomy slug is going to be expected or …
06:52 Ticket #42896 (ms-files.php doesn't apply filters/actions defined in must-use plugin) closed by dd32
wontfix: As ms-files.php has been deprecated for many many versions now, and …
06:27 Ticket #42934 (Website Paragraph font has been change automatically) closed by dd32
invalid: Hi @harpr87 Welcome to the WordPress Bug Tracker, this is used for …
06:14 Ticket #42943 (Editor bug) created by nishajd
Editor is not fully used. Right Part of editor is always blank. There …
06:09 Ticket #42932 (Automatic Add number prefix to the end of permalink when the name of ...) closed by dd32
invalid: Hi @merckdelmoro, This is the intended behaviour. The URL …
05:34 Changeset [42413] by dd32
i18n: Don't use esc_attr_e() on a variable. Props yoavf. Fuxes #42935.
05:32 Ticket #42942 (Provide a post_date_column_time hook for media files) created by ivanlutrov
Class class-wp-posts-list-table.php has column_date() function …
05:30 Ticket #42939 (4.9.1 Category issues) closed by dd32
worksforme: Hey @scollett72 and welcome to Trac. Unfortunately this doesn't …
02:58 Ticket #41041 (YouTube subtitles no longer appear when embedding) closed by postphotos
invalid: Hi @kangahealth! I can't duplicate this bug on a clean instance of …
01:47 Ticket #42941 (Improve options.php error "options page not found") created by tdlewis77
The message generated by options.php when the options page is not in …
01:47 Ticket #42940 (Update podcast information in Settings > Media to account for Apple ...) closed by Clorith
invalid: Hi there, and welcome to Trac. This is the tracker for enhancements …
01:27 Ticket #42940 (Update podcast information in Settings > Media to account for Apple ...) created by jessestu
Apple changed their terms and specifications when they broke Apple …


18:16 Ticket #42939 (4.9.1 Category issues) created by scollett72
Since updating to 4.9.1, my site's category links no longer work. I …
15:02 Changeset [42412] by johnbillion
Docs: Improve the function and parameter descriptions for …
14:32 Ticket #42938 (Avatar Blank Space) created by Marius84
Wordpress --> Settings --> Discussion --> Avatar …
13:57 Ticket #42937 (Success Message should display on insertion of new category in ...) created by manishamakhija
When we add new category then apart from displaying a new category at …
10:34 Ticket #42936 (get_adjacent_post won't find any posts that are published in the same ...) created by sheepysheep60
get_adjacent_post won't find any posts that are posted in the same …
08:44 Ticket #42935 (Fix wrong use of esc_attr_e) created by yoavf
Fixes a case where esc_attr_e() is used instead of echo esc_attr()
08:26 Ticket #42934 (Website Paragraph font has been change automatically) created by harpr87
Hi, WordPress Team, I use my raleway font in my website …
06:39 Ticket #42933 (Change from Class::method to static::method in WP_List_Table) created by okvee
From this source code …
05:27 Ticket #42932 (Automatic Add number prefix to the end of permalink when the name of ...) created by merckdelmoro
When I tried to add a new page that starts with the number the …
01:19 Ticket #42914 (page visibility always acts like public, ignores password protection) closed by dd32
invalid: Replying to vccwebadmin: > Well, I discovered it will …
00:39 Ticket #42924 (Current implementation of WP_Post::get_instance makes the_posts and ...) closed by dd32
invalid: Hi @panbolec and welcome to Trac. These filters are designed to be …
00:33 Ticket #42926 (Archive page don't work) closed by dd32
wontfix: Hi @sebastian.pisula, Two things - Make sure you flush the rewrite …
00:26 Ticket #42928 (Formatting function wp_specialchars_decode doesn't work) closed by dd32
invalid: Hi @italooko and welcome to Trac. wp_specialchars_decode() working …
00:17 Ticket #42931 (We need to make easier to replace calendar widget) closed by dd32
wontfix: If you want to replace the entirety of the calendar widget, create a …
00:09 Ticket #42887 (variable assignment in if statement) closed by dd32
invalid: Hi @freetheweb, Yes, this is intended, and is a supported PHP …


17:52 Ticket #38025 (Query networks with meta_query) closed by flixos90
maybelater: As discussed at WordCamp US, we will not introduce actual network meta …
17:50 Ticket #25344 (Introduce *_network_meta() functions) closed by flixos90
maybelater: As discussed at WordCamp US, we will not introduce *_network_meta()
17:45 Ticket #42931 (We need to make easier to replace calendar widget) created by alexvorn2
I want to replace calendar widget content and I see that action to do …
16:54 Ticket #41467 (Disassociate image alt text from media object) closed by joedolson
wontfix: After further discussion, the a11y team feels that this is really a UI …
14:13 Ticket #42901 (All summary tags should be removed from existing JSDoc.) closed by atimmer
fixed: In 42411: […]
14:13 Changeset [42411] by atimmer
Docs: Remove @summary tags from JSDoc. As decided in the JavaScript …
11:19 Changeset [42410] by atimmer
Docs: Improve JSDoc for js/media/controllers/edit-image.js. Amends …
10:06 Ticket #42927 (Introduce the wp_body() function that fires the `wp_body` action) closed by birgire
duplicate: Many think this is useful. I found another ticket #12563 already …
09:58 Ticket #42930 (Flickr embed working improperly) closed by swissspidy
invalid: Hey there, Welcome to WordPress Trac! oEmbed works in such a way …
06:19 Ticket #42930 (Flickr embed working improperly) created by safesler
The Flickr auto-embed in Wordpress is no longer working properly. …
04:23 Ticket #39309 (Secure WordPress Against Infrastructure Attacks) reopened by paragoninitiativeenterprises
Now that ext/sodium support has landed in PHP 7.2, and RFC 8032 …
03:50 Ticket #42929 (Indicate when a media file is selected as the video header) created by desrosj
When a theme supports video headers and a video is chosen, it is not …
03:06 Ticket #42562 (media: wp_get_attachment_metadata() can return WP_Error object which ...) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @indigo74! Welcome to Trac! This appears to be a bug in the Safe …
01:10 Changeset [42409] by SergeyBiryukov
Canonical: After [42408], remove sprintf() call for consistency with …
01:03 Ticket #42313 (Introduce an X-Redirect-By header) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42408: […]
01:03 Changeset [42408] by SergeyBiryukov
Canonical: Introduce x_redirect_by filter that allows applications …


18:04 Ticket #42928 (Formatting function wp_specialchars_decode doesn't work) created by italooko
This in functions.php doesn't work, the string returns non-decoded …
17:01 Ticket #42927 (Introduce the wp_body() function that fires the `wp_body` action) created by ramiy
When we want to add scripts & styles on the frontend, we can hook …
16:37 Ticket #42926 (Archive page don't work) created by sebastian.pisula
Hi, I want register CPT "FAQ". All is OK but this CPT will be have …
15:49 Ticket #42925 (register_setting backwards compatibility when function defined after ...) created by ItayXD
to make register_setting backward compatible this code is used: …
12:55 Ticket #42924 (Current implementation of WP_Post::get_instance makes the_posts and ...) created by panbolec
The only possible idea of the_posts and posts_results filters is to …
11:45 Ticket #42923 (Docs: Add new phpDocs to upgrade/install classes) created by ramiy
@DrewAPicture please review the attached patch.
08:22 Ticket #42922 (Image Scaling using get_the_post_thumbnail issue in WordPress) created by rigids.php
Issue URL - …
07:39 Ticket #42921 (get_header('customheadername') is fetching the header.php even i have ...) created by mausamrai
get_header() is not supporting the custom headername provided. so …
06:10 Ticket #42920 (Add support for the picture element) created by desrosj
The <picture> element is in the HTML standard and should be …
02:41 Ticket #42700 (Figure captions not inheriting max-width from figures) closed by desrosj
worksforme: Thanks for the additional details, @bahead. Since this is a bug with …
02:18 Ticket #42919 (Unable to upload files with the AAC extension) created by desrosj
Uploading a file with the .aac extension returns the `Sorry, this …


23:18 Ticket #42917 (Add in htaccess) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: As stated multiple times by people in previous discussions, this is …
21:44 Ticket #42918 (Replace intval(), strval(), ... function calls with type casts) created by ayeshrajans
PHP's intval(), strval(), floatval() and boolval() are from …
14:56 Ticket #42917 (Add in htaccess) created by gabrielmasson
Add in the htaccess the excerpt: Options -Indexes so we do not have …
13:48 Ticket #42745 (Pass $attachment_id to intermediate_image_sizes_advanced filter) closed by johnbillion
fixed: Fixed in [42407].
13:46 Changeset [42407] by johnbillion
Media: Pass the attachment ID to the …
13:40 Ticket #42886 (Disable autocapitalize for the user login field on wp-login.php) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 42406: […]
13:40 Changeset [42406] by johnbillion
Login and Registration: Instruct the browser to disable …
13:37 Ticket #42909 (Ignore Composer `/vendor` folder) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 42405: […]
13:37 Changeset [42405] by johnbillion
Build/Test Tools: Instruct Git and Subversion to ignore Composer's …


22:02 Ticket #30155 (Fix crop image functionality within edit flow) reopened by adamsilverstein
22:02 Ticket #30155 (Fix crop image functionality within edit flow) closed by adamsilverstein
fixed: In 42404: […]
22:02 Changeset [42404] by adamsilverstein
Media: improve flows for cropping on attachment details screen. On …
20:16 Ticket #42916 (Terms for taxonomy with show_in_quick_edit = false still load in ...) created by jazbek
The show_in_quick_edit property was introduced for taxonomies in 4.2 …
19:55 Ticket #42915 (Don't load admin dashboard widgets if they're not shown) created by ComputerGuru
I'm not sure how doable this is given that #23910 was closed, but some …
19:34 Ticket #42914 (page visibility always acts like public, ignores password protection) created by vccwebadmin
recently upgraded from wordpress 4.8.3 to 4.9.1. After the upgrade my …
18:31 Ticket #42913 (Scroll widgets and widget containers independently in admin ui) created by ComputerGuru
A "regular" WordPress installation with a few plugins providing …
15:31 Ticket #42912 (JavaScript Error with Emoji Script) created by Presskopp
In rare cases, I get the following error after logging in, but can't …
15:23 Ticket #42911 (A parameter is missing in wp-admin/menu.php comments) created by ajoah
The parameter "Page title" is missing.
13:41 Ticket #42485 (JSDoc correction for admin namespaces) closed by atimmer
fixed: In 42403: […]
13:41 Changeset [42403] by atimmer
Docs: Improve wp-admin JSDoc structural data globally. JSDoc takes it …
11:15 Ticket #42903 (Speed up tests for `wp_list_pages()`) closed by boonebgorges
fixed: In 42402: […]
11:15 Changeset [42402] by boonebgorges
Improve performance of wp_list_pages() tests. The changeset also …
10:48 Ticket #42465 (Add `permalink_structure` to REST API general site data) reopened by johnbillion
This change is causing a dirty wp-api-generated.js file when running …
10:05 Ticket #42905 (add_filter( 'the_title',<func>, 99 ); woudn't fire after add_shortcode) closed by dd32
invalid: Thanks for confirming @strech In this case then, it's working as …
09:09 Ticket #42910 (Default Post Format doesn't apply on post created from Quick Draft) created by aiyaz
Default Post Format doesn't keep selected while submitting posts using …
08:31 Ticket #15397 (redirect_guess_404_permalink() doesn't guess posts with updated dates) reopened by pento
08:30 Ticket #15397 (redirect_guess_404_permalink() doesn't guess posts with updated dates) closed by pento
fixed: In 42401: […]
08:30 Changeset [42401] by pento
Canonical URLs: Redirect to the correct URL when the post date …
06:20 Ticket #42909 (Ignore Composer `/vendor` folder) created by netweb
Following #41057 a Composer /vendor folder might now exist, we …
05:15 Ticket #42899 (Documentation for options-discussion.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42400: […]
05:15 Changeset [42400] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Remove extra dot from some @since tags. Props hardik-amipara. …
05:07 Ticket #42800 (docs: Add missing @staticvar cases in /wp-includes/l10n.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42399: […]
05:07 Changeset [42399] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Add missing @staticvar entries in wp-includes/l10n.php. …
01:02 Changeset [42398] by SergeyBiryukov
Posts: Rename $ID to $post in get_post_mime_type() and …
01:01 Ticket #42797 (Add missing parameter description in wp_get_post_parent_id function ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42397: […]
01:01 Changeset [42397] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Add missing parameter description in wp_get_post_parent_id()
00:34 Ticket #42894 (Add since version in DocBlock for filter_dynamic_sidebar_params method ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42396: […]
00:34 Changeset [42396] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Add @since version for …
00:31 Ticket #42798 (Add since version in DocBlock for init method in the ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42395: […]
00:31 Changeset [42395] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Add @since version for WP_Locale_Switcher::init(). Props …
00:14 Ticket #42882 (Add missing since tags in the DocBlocks for add menu page functions) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 42394: […]
00:14 Changeset [42394] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Add missing @since tags for add menu page functions. Props …


23:26 Ticket #42908 (4.9.1 Bug Found in TinyMCE Visual/Text Tab) created by othellobloke
I raised my question here: …
21:54 Ticket #42907 (Meta Queries: support ordering by meta_value but still including items ...) created by jdgrimes
Consider this scenario: - You want to order a query's results by …
20:54 Ticket #42906 (Please bring back the image caption visibility in TinyMCE visual editor) reopened by eliz82
closed ticket by mistake "invalid" seem to autoselect when adding a …
20:52 Ticket #42906 (Please bring back the image caption visibility in TinyMCE visual editor) closed by eliz82
invalid: I digged more "wp-includes\js\tinymce\skins\wordpress\wp-content.css" …
20:31 Ticket #42906 (Please bring back the image caption visibility in TinyMCE visual editor) created by eliz82
On Wordpress 3.4.2 the visibility of images with caption in TinyMCE …
20:10 Ticket #42905 (add_filter( 'the_title',<func>, 99 ); woudn't fire after add_shortcode) created by strech
I need to edit the title after add_shortcode was called. for …
19:47 Ticket #42904 (Speed up unit tests by disabling password hashing) created by Frank Klein
Whenever the factory creates a new user during a test, it calls …
17:34 Ticket #42903 (Speed up tests for `wp_list_pages()`) created by Frank Klein
The fixtures in Tests_List_Pages are (re)created in the setUp()
16:59 Ticket #42902 (CSS bug in mediaelement) created by skoen
I have noticed a weird css bug in the css for the internal HTML5 …
14:28 Ticket #42901 (All summary tags should be removed from existing JSDoc.) created by herregroen
The WordPress javascript documentation standards were recently changed …
14:10 Ticket #42831 (Improve JS Documentation: /wp-admin/js/dashboard.js) closed by atimmer
fixed: In 42393: […]
14:10 Changeset [42393] by atimmer
Docs: Improve JS Docs for wp-admin/js/dashboard.js. Props jipmoors, …
13:14 Ticket #42900 (Add gender field to user profile for use in translations) created by yoavf
See #42725 for more background. What this solves To be able to …
06:03 Ticket #42899 (Documentation for options-discussion.php) created by Hardik Amipara
Remove last extra dot in '@since 2.7.0.' from 'options-discussion.php' file
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.