Digital Asset

A digital asset is any form of electronic data that has economic value and can be owned or controlled by an individual or organisation. These include cryptocurrencies, securities, tokens, art and collectibles, data, and intellectual property.

Digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many other blockchain-based cryptocurrencies are considered digital assets. Tokens represent assets or utilities on a blockchain network, often used for specific purposes like access to services, voting rights, or as representations of physical assets.

When tokenised, traditional financial (TradFi) assets like stocks, bonds, or real estate are also considered digital assets. Additionally, unique digital artworks, collectibles, or virtual assets that can be bought, sold, and owned using blockchain technology are digital assets. These include non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Digital assets can also include datasets, intellectual property rights, copyrights, and other digital creations that hold value. The key characteristic of digital assets is that they are stored and managed digitally, often using blockchain technology for security, transparency, and decentralised control.

Key Takeaway

A digital asset is any form of electronic data that has economic value, including cryptocurrencies, tokens, securities, art and collectibles, data, and intellectual property.

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