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Template:Multiple issues

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An injected block cipher is essentially a shift-block cipher which uses matrix addition before scrambling the individual bits in a Matrix. So it has 2 or more steps with multiple inputs from the user which creates an almost unbreakable cyphertext. An analogy to this is to imagine a Rubik's cube which is scrambled and builds outwards in 3-dimensions every time the program loops, the original information is essentially buried inside a gigantic block of random useless bytes, unless the recipient knows exactly how many steps were taken to create the block of data that person will never decipher the original information. R.B.S.C. algorithm (Reginald Bolman Solaris Cipher) created by Reginald Bolman 1990–present utilizes this fairly simple method to generate 1 or 2 way data encryption depending on the Users input.

Methodology: CipherText--->alpha-numeric Ceaser cipher shift using a fibonacci sequence to shift letters to a different position every round (generates psudo random Alphabet code)--->converted to binary matrix--->Array is scrambled--->binary to Hexadecimal conversion ---> Encrypted Text

The encrypted Text has a numeric value, depending on the users choice before encryption the sum or mean of the Encrypted txt becomes the "Checksum" to prevent tampering with the data. The Checksum then becomes the shift for the final values of the Cipher txt which are "injected" into the Encrypted txt to further randomize the data.

Example of the beta version R.B.S.C encryption method

A = 'a' 1100001

(Injected shift key) B = 'b' 1100010

d = sum(dec2bin(B)+dec2bin(A))

d =

1100010 1100010 1100000 1100000 1100000 1100001 1100001

(8* more data each round shift)

characters 1st round = 49! apx. 6*10^62 different combinations for a single letter

d--->block-scramble--->shift---->block-scramble---->shift--->encrypted txt
