
LANXESS ist ein führender Spezialchemie-Konzern, der 2023 einen Umsatz von 6,7 Milliarden Euro erzielte und aktuell rund 12.800 Mitarbeitende in 32 Ländern beschäftigt. Das Kerngeschäft von LANXESS bilden Entwicklung, Herstellung und Vertrieb von chemischen Zwischenprodukten, Additiven, Spezialchemikalien und verbrauchernahen Schutzprodukten. LANXESS ist Mitglied in den führenden Nachhaltigkeitsindizes Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI World und Europe). Mehr über LANXESS unter: Ein dynamisches Unternehmen braucht ein starkes Team. Werden Sie Teil der LANXESS Familie. Mehr zu Karriere bei LANXESS unter: ++++++++++++++++++++++ Impressum +++

Chemische Produktion
10.001+ Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
High Performance Materials, Advanced Industrial Intermediates, Inorganic Pigments, Liquid Purification Technologies, Material Protection Products, Functional Chemicals, Leather Chemicals und Flame Redardants


Beschäftigte von LANXESS


  • Unternehmensseite von LANXESS anzeigen, Grafik

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    In the summer heat, hydration becomes even more important. Access to clean, pure water is essential for staying hydrated and healthy, especially during extreme heat. While water is crucial, enjoying refreshing drinks like juices, soft drinks, and even a chilled glass of wine can make summer more enjoyable. We offer several products designed to ensure the safety and quality of your beverages. Our solutions are used in the production of drinking water to flavored drinks, guaranteeing safety and in every sip. 

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  • Unternehmensseite von LANXESS anzeigen, Grafik

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    The #MassBalance method is one approach to track the flow of #sustainable materials in complex value chains. It is a pragmatic and transparent method to use sustainable raw materials in existing assets as a drop-in solution into existing material streams. Sustainable feedstocks entering the production system are recorded and documented. The same applies to sustainable products that are placed on the market. In the mass balance method, the quantity of sustainable materials leaving the production plant must never exceed the quantity that is fed into it. In the processing procedure, the sustainable feedstock mixes with other raw materials. After processing, the sustainable feedstocks in the mixture can only be determined on a bookkeeping basis. The properties of the sustainable and non-sustainable products are therefore identical.    Find more details here: 

  • Unternehmensseite von LANXESS anzeigen, Grafik

    286.513 Follower:innen

    Whether for athletic activity or relaxing recreational fun, Stand Up Paddling offers the perfect combination of physical activity and relaxing time on the water. To make the boards inflatable, plasticizers such as our Mesamoll® are added to the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) from which the board is made. It makes the solid PVC soft and flexible. Our solution ensures that you can enjoy your board for a long time despite water, sun and heat. Read more here:

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  • Unternehmensseite von LANXESS anzeigen, Grafik

    286.513 Follower:innen

    Outdoor clothing is generally not very sustainable, as it is rarely made from natural materials. The longer we wear the clothing, the better the ecological balance. With SilvadurTM we are helping to further extend the life of our clothing. Incidentally, SilvadurTM can be used for more than just outdoor clothing. There are numerous areas of application, such as towels, sportswear, socks, curtains, bed linen, workwear and much more. So wherever odor control is important - SilvadurTM is a problem solver. Read more here:

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  • Unternehmensseite von LANXESS anzeigen, Grafik

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    We provide a diverse array of highly effective preservatives designed to safeguard #food and #beverages against yeasts, bacteria, and molds.   An important contribution is made by Velcorin®, our cold-fill technology, and Nagardo®, our natural preservative, that helps to ensure that your beverages are #safe to consume. In addition, Nagardo® now also offers these benefits for special food applications.   Integrated with our products Purox® B benzoic acid, Purox® S sodium benzoate and Kalama® potassium benzoate FCC, our range of sustainably produced preservatives is comprehensive. Now also certified according to ISCC PLUS standards and included in the climate-friendly #Scopeblue® product range.   With this portfolio, we not only ensure safe consumption, but also combating the problem of #foodwaste. Because our products make food & beverages last longer, we have more time to enjoy them and less to throw away. Follow our showcase page LANXESS Food & Beverage Solutions for more.

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