The NuGet Team

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Announcing NuGet 6.10

NuGet 6.10 is included in Visual Studio 2022 and .NET 8.0 out of the box. You can also download NuGet 6.10 for Windows, macOS, and Linux as a standalone executable. In NuGet 6.10, we introduce some exciting new features and bug fixes, such as a new command, vulnerability auditing in , and improvements to cached credentials. For more ...

The Microsoft author-signing certificate will be updated as soon as August 14th, 2023

Action required: If you validate that packages are author-signed by Microsoft using a NuGet client policy or the command, please follow these steps by August 14th, 2023 to avoid potential disruptions when installing new Microsoft packages. If you are unsure, we have outlined steps to check if you will be impacted. Microsoft uses an X.509 ... Terms of Service Update on Unexpected Behavior and Hate Speech

In recent years, the .NET open source community and NuGet package registry have become increasingly important for sharing code. However, with the growth of these platforms, there has also been a rise in unexpected behavior and hate speech, which can be harmful and intimidating to many users. We have always been committed to creating a safe and...

Deprecating TLS 1.0 and 1.1 on – Stage 1

In this post, we will go into more details and a specific timeline for Stage 1 i.e. temporarily removing support for TLS 1.0/1.1 on The goal is to help you identify systems that may be affected and will give you an opportunity to take action before we permanently remove support for TLS 1.0/1.1 in April 2020.

NuGet: In the Platform

I recently declared that NuGet is "Broken By Design." Now, that was hyperbolic; I don't really think NuGet is broken. In fact, I'm very pleased with NuGet (and proud of it). But I wanted to make the point that NuGet's approach both earned it success but also came at a cost. NuGet can't presently offer some expected package management features ...

NuGet : Broken By Design

On January 13, 2011, NuGet 1.0 was released with ASP.NET MVC 3. On June 19, 2012, NuGet 2.0 shipped in the box with all editions of Visual Studio 2012 (including the free ones). That was a little over 2 years ago, and NuGet's adoption has been steadily increasing since then. Here are some interesting figures for recent NuGet usage from nuget....

NuGet 1.8 Hotfix Released

With the NuGet 1.8 release, we found a breaking change that caused NuGet to fail on Windows XP machines. Earlier today, we released a hotfix to NuGet 1.8 that addresses this. We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused. If you have further issues, please report them on CodePlex. For more information, there is a CodePlex ...

NuGet 1.8 Released

We're happy to announce that we released NuGet 1.8 on 5/23/2012. This release includes support for localized satellite assemblies, nuget.exe performance improvements, and 34 bug fixes. Details are in the NuGet 1.8 Release Notes. Known issue on Windows XP We would like to call out that shortly after NuGet 1.8 was released, we learned that a ...

NuGet 1.7 Released

We're happy to announce that we released NuGet 1.7 today. This release includes several new features as well as over 75 bug fixes. Details are in the NuGet 1.7 Release Notes...

The NuGet Gallery Outage on March 9th

The NuGet Gallery was unavailable on March 9th from approximately midnight until 7:52 A.M., nearly eight hours. During this time all HTTP requests to the gallery website failed. In addition to affecting website users, the outage affected all NuGet client programs (such as the Visual Studio extension and nuget.exe) and other software that ...