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Wrangler Changelog

​​ 2024-07-16

​​ 3.65.0

​​ 2024-07-11

​​ 3.64.0

​​ 2024-07-04

​​ 3.63.1

  • #6192 b879ce4 Thanks @petebacondarwin! - fix: do not report D1 user errors to Sentry

  • #6150 d993409 Thanks @CarmenPopoviciu! - fix: Fix pages dev watch mode [_worker.js]

    The watch mode in pages dev for Advanced Mode projects is currently partially broken, as it only watches for changes in the “_worker.js” file, but not for changes in any of its imported dependencies. This means that given the following “_worker.js” file

    import { graham } from "./graham-the-dog";
    export default {
    	fetch(request, env) {
    		return new Response(graham)

    pages dev will reload for any changes in the _worker.js file itself, but not for any changes in graham-the-dog.js, which is its dependency.

    Similarly, pages dev will not reload for any changes in non-JS module imports, such as wasm/html/binary module imports.

    This commit fixes all the aforementioned issues.

​​ 2024-07-03

​​ 3.63.0

​​ 2024-06-25

​​ 3.62.0

​​ 2024-06-18

​​ 3.61.0