App Type Creation Flow

This guide shows you how to select an app type during the app creation flow instead of a use case.

This guide assumes you have read the initial requirements to create an app and need to implement products, such as ads, WhatsApp, or Messenger, in addition to Facebook Login or you want to create an app with functionality that isn’t listed in the available use cases. During the app creation flow, you will select an app type instead of a use case.

Step 1: Start the app creation process

There are a number of ways to create an app.

  • If you just came from the registration flow, click the Create First App button
  • If you are on the App Dashboard , click Create App in the upper right
  • If you are on the dashboard for an existing app and want to create a new app, select the dropdown menu in the upper left, and click the Create New App button

Step 2. Select a use case

Select Other and click the Next button.

You will be able to customize your use case later on the app Dashboard.

Step 3. Select an app type

Your app type determines which products and APIs are available to your app. If this is your first time creating an app and you are just exploring the app creation flow, choose the None option. Later, when you are more familiar with our products and APIs, refer to our app types document to determine which app type is best suited for your app, then create a new app and choose an appropriate type.

App TypeDescription

Academic research

Connect to Facebook data and tooling to perform research on Facebook.


Create or manage business assets like Pages, Events, Groups, Ads, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram Graph API using the available business permissions, features, and products.


Connect consumer products and permissions, like Facebook Login and Instagram Basic Display to your app.

Data transfer

Enable data transfer directly from Meta to other apps and services.


Connect an off-platform game to Facebook Login.

Instant Games

Create an HTML5 game hosted on Facebook.


Create an app with combinations of consumer and business permissions and products.


Create enterprise tools for Workplace from Meta.

Step 4. App details

In this step you will add:

  • A name for your app
  • The email address to be used to contact you about this particular app

Optionally, you can link this app to an existing Business Account using the dropdown menu, or you can add this later.

Click Create App to save your app's details.

Once you have completed the app creation flow your app will be loaded in the app Dashboard and you will be able to select the products, permissions, and features you need to build your app.

Next steps

Now that you have successfully customized your app, you can test your implementation, add test apps, Pages, and users, and more.