Imagineering by Daher

Imagineering by Daher

Services et conseil aux entreprises

Orly, Île-de-France 1 355 abonnés

The Open Innovation Program by Daher

À propos

Imagineering by Daher is the new Open Innovation program of Daher whose mission revolves around five axes : #Explore: The prospecting axis to explore innovation trends #Connect: The synergy axis to foster connections to our ecosystems and communities #Test: The experimental axis to test and prove the value of innovations and new business models #Scale: The amplifying axis to boost value and scale business transformations #Communicate: The broadcasting axis spotlighting and communicating our innovative stories “Crisis after crisis, our societies are changing. The ways we consume, work, travel, live together are disrupted. We must find the answers to the challenges of the Industry and ecological transition. We must connect, we must gather. Daher believes in the power of collective intelligence. Thus, to support Daher’s new Strategic Plan “Take-Off 2027”, we’ve decided to launch Imagineering. An Open innovation program, so that from all imaginations, emerge concrete solutions, services and products that create a real positive difference. The objective ? To explore, connect, test, scale together, ever bigger, greater ideas. Because even when we won’t agree, we will always share the same vision, the same ambition : To transform our industry. Dreamers, Imagineering is waiting for you, your energy, your ideas. Let’s imagine a new path together. Join the movement, Join Imagineering !” Gabriel RAFFOUR, Head of Imagineering Program

Site web
Services et conseil aux entreprises
Taille de l’entreprise
+ de 10 000 employés
Siège social
Orly, Île-de-France
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Open Innovation


Employés chez Imagineering by Daher


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    🛫 Highlights from the Paris Air Forum 2024 Last week, we attended the enlightening Paris Air Forum, where industry leaders shared their visions for the future of aviation. Here’s a brief overview of the key discussions : 🔧 AI Optimization : AI continues to transform operations, from efficient routing for maritime to enhancing maintenance processes. 🌍 Sustainable Travel by 2035 : Experts, including former transport ministers, discussed the shift towards longer, sustainable travel methods and the essential role of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). 🔒 Aviation Cybersecurity : With increasing threats, the focus is on fortifying critical systems across commercial aviation. 🛩️ Environmental Challenges in Business Aviation : The discussion centered on reducing carbon emissions through SAF and potential electric plane solutions for short-haul flights. 💡 Future Combat Systems : Defense experts talked about collaborative innovations in weaponry and the importance of sustained investment in technology. The forum was a nexus of ideas shaping the sustainable and secure future of aviation. #ParisAirForum #Aviation #Sustainability #AI #Cybersecurity #Innovation

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    The first Imagineering by Daher’s anniversary ! 🎂 Today, we proudly address an audience of over 1 300 people, a significant milestone considering we started our page just one year ago. Over the past year, we have embarked on exciting projects, forged meaningful connections, and showcased our innovations at International Paris Air Show and many other events. We invite you to watch our retrospective video, highlighting the incredible journey and achievements of Imagineering by Daher over the past year. 🎥 Thank you for your continued support, and here’s to many more years of innovation and success together! 🚀 #ImagineeringByDaher #Anniversary

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    Exploring Adok’s Interactive Projector Technology 🌐   Today, we highlight Adok, presented by Paul Péretié. This innovative device elevates the portable computer into a versatile tool by transforming any surface into an interactive touchscreen. Leveraging Computer Vision technology, Adok offers precise responsiveness with millimeter accuracy and minimal latency of 30ms. 📊   We are currently assessing various applications for this technology within our group, recognizing its potential to enhance our digital interactions. 🤔   Stay tuned as we further explore how Adok’s capabilities might be integrated into our operational processes. 🚀   #Innovation #Technology #Adok #ComputerVision #DigitalTransformation

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    🚀 We have a new Startup Spotlight on Boarding Ring, a company dedicated to ending motion sickness through two innovative solutions : 🕶️ Boarding Glasses, while Boarding Light provides an illuminated system for aircraft and boat interiors. 🌟 🎙️ We also released a podcast episode about them! Discover how Renaud Jeannin and Antoine Jeannin are revolutionizing the way we travel. Listen now:

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    "Quel écosystème favorable pour la collaboration Tech & Industrie ?" 🤝 "what ecosystem to foster the collaboration between Industry and Tech?" Alongside Ghislain (Lhyfe), Sofien (D-ICE ENGINEERING) and François (PASCA), Sébastien, our Chief Open Innovation officer at DAHER shared his/our vision on this specific topic. A true Return on EXperience #rex nurtured by everything that we've been doing at Daher through collaborative innovation and now (for more than 10 years) through open innovation 💡 Everyone agrees on the need to work together between private and public sectors whatever the size and objectives. "Disrupting" and questioning the status quo seems to be the key but as Sébastien wisely remarked : 🎙️ yes but without destroying everything that has been done in the past but by building with and uppon it. ➡️ a sort of sobriety and nuance #surlepont Nantes Saint-Nazaire Développement

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    🚀 Highlights from Recent Expos 🚀 We are thrilled to share our experiences from two events where our team members showcased our dedication to innovation and technology. Aris KABI attended the Air Expo Lyon on Friday, while Romane Martin was at Les Mobilités Innov’ in Paris on Wednesday. 🌟 Air Expo Lyon 🌟 At this prestigious aviation event, we were present with Daher, showcasing our TBM and Kodiak models. Our suppliers Garmin and Hartzell demonstrated their cutting-edge technology, perfectly complementing our aircraft. French institutions were well represented, with the Armée de l’air et de l’espace and Police nationale engaging with us on the benefits and risks of drone technology 🚁. One standout startup was ASAP SAFEGUARD, presenting their inflatable shelter filled with innovative electronics. This technology promises to revolutionize rescue operations by enhancing safety and efficiency on the ground. Their solutions offer: Significant economic benefits. Comfort for pilots and for aircraft managers. New services available at airports. New customization options for aircraft. The interactions with industry professionals helped us broaden our knowledge and understand how we can all contribute to shaping the future of aviation. 🚄 Les Mobilités Innov’ 🚄 Held at the Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace - Paris-Le Bourget, this event, led by the Agence de l'Innovation pour les Transports addressed four main challenges: ecological and energy transition, digital revolution, service resilience, and territorial cohesion. Romane attended this exciting event which featured 30 stands of innovative solutions 🌍. Highlights included: Tamic S.A. : A system for capturing fine particles during braking, designed by Transdev, Tallano Technologies, and CE IVECO BUS. They are considering adapting this system for aviation ✈️. ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab is exploring electric propulsion, various fuel types, and advanced wing designs 🌿. OpenAirlines: Their SkyBreathe software analyzes flight data to identify opportunities for fuel savings and CO2 reduction 📊. XSun : A solar-powered autonomous drone designed for environmental monitoring and precision agriculture 🌞. Mobility by COLAS : LED-based ground signaling that changes according to the time of day, such as transforming a delivery spot into a parking space at night 🚦. Ascendance Flight Technologies: Presented their hybrid VTOL aircraft combining electric and internal combustion propulsion 🚁. These expos have expanded our horizons and deepened our understanding of how new technologies are shaping the future of aviation and transportation. We are excited to continue being at the forefront of these advancements. What are your thoughts on integrating these new technologies into aviation and transportation? 🌍💬 #AviationInnovation #AIExpo #DroneTechnology #DigitalTransformation #Daher #ASAPSAFEGUARD #AviationSafety #Garmin #Hartzell #ArméeDeLAir #PoliceNationale

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    #proud of the winners of our call for projects LA Fusion on decarbonization topics 🌳 You may have followed the different phases of this adventure that we wrote with La Cantine Nantes but in reality it just started 🚀 Indeed, now is the time of action 💪 So, WaltR x Kickmaker 👀 and E-COBOT x Hexachip, just do it ! #happy to support at DAHER, in methodology (open innovation) and financially (9k€ & 7,5k€) these two collaborations 🤝 🔔 We will keep you posted on the progress and results of this two projects and... because "LA Fusion" is already a success (a banger ✨)... we might want to launch a sequel. To be continued... Victor Mac Leod, Arnaud Dedieu, Sébastien Ecault, Alexandre Zurlo Valeria Brunori, Gabriel Raffour, Sébastien LEROY, Adrien Poggetti

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    #etdemain : Découvrez les deux collaborations lauréates de l'AMI La Fusion Daher x La Cantine ! 🍃 Mais avant de vous les présenter, faisons un petit rappel !💡 Il y a quelques mois, Daher via le programme Imagineering by Daher et La Cantine ont lancé un AMI auprès des PME de Loire-Atlantique pour identifier leurs problématiques liées à la décarbonation. Suite à cela, des startups de la région ont proposé des solutions innovantes et durables. Le jury Daher x La Cantine Numérique a ensuite sélectionné les meilleures propositions. 🥇Aujourd'hui, lors de notre événement "Et Demain ?", nous avons présenté les deux collaborations lauréates : → WaltR x Kickmaker 🤝 WaltR, pionnier dans la surveillance des émissions polluantes par imagerie spatiale et terrestre, a développé un imageur innovant pour détecter les émissions des moteurs d’avion dans les aéroports. Pour répondre à la demande croissante, nous devons multiplier notre capacité de production par dix, passant de 5 à 50 instruments par an, tout en minimisant notre empreinte environnementale. Notre partenaire actuel de fabrication ne pouvant pas supporter cette augmentation, la société Kickmaker nous accompagnera dans l’industrialisation et le sourcing de nos imageurs, intégrant des solutions visant à réduire l'impact environnemental de nos produits et de nos processus de fabrication. → E-COBOT x Hexachip 🤝 E-Cobot souhaite réduire l'empreinte carbone, eau et matière de son robot Husky à toutes les étapes de son cycle de vie. Grâce à son offre de service PaaS (Product as a Service), E-Cobot propose un modèle économique basé sur l'économie d'usage, réduisant ainsi l'empreinte par rapport à un modèle linéaire traditionnel. Pour aller plus loin et maximiser la durée de vie des Husky, Hexachip accompagnera E-Cobot en mesurant et réduisant l'empreinte du robot via la diversification des sources d'approvisionnement, intégrant des produits et sous-ensembles électroniques reconditionnés, d'occasion ou issus de stocks dormants. ( 👋 Valeria Brunori & Gabriel Raffour ) #Innovation #Décarbonation #SoutienLocal #TechForGood #Proptech #EtDemain

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    📢 Last episode of our serie of podcasts recorded at the International Paris Air Show with the different startups we hosted on the DAHER booth. 🤗 This time, meet Renaud Jeannin, CTO and Co-founder of the family business Boarding Ring ! 🎧 🎯 Their objective is to cope with motion sickness but in comparison with a lot of available solutions, they want to tackle the cause and not just the symptoms. Motion sickness is due to a conflict between what your body feels and what your eyes see 👀 So their first solution that you may have seen through their collaboration with Citroën (pic) is a pair of glasses with a liquid that recreates for you, a virtual horizon 🤓 Their second solution is the same principle but with colomns of leds recreating as well a virtual horizon. Less invasive but needing an integration, model training and some electronics 🌊 At Imagineering, because in the aerospace industry the only alternative is a paper bag aka "vomit bag", we thought it would be a good idea to explore 😉 #aix2024 Aircraft Interiors Expo, Antoine Jeannin -> it would deserve a crystal award #innovation #podcast Baptiste Leneveu (host) #cabin

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    The 15th and last episode of our "Keep Pushing" podcast series is now live ! 🎬 In this episode with Renaud Jeannin, we dive into the innovative solutions created by Boarding Ring to combat motion sickness, including their specialized glasses and LED devices that create an artificial horizon. 🕶️✨ This marks the final episode of the "Keep Pushing" series, which we had the pleasure of filming at the International Paris Air Show. 🛫 Through this series, we've highlighted innovative startups tackling a variety of exciting topics. We hope you enjoyed the journey as much as we did. 🎉 If you missed any episodes, you can catch up on all the inspiring stories here: 👉 #Innovation #Podcast Daher

    Keep Pushing

    Keep Pushing

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