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Contact Us

We are available Monday through Friday to answer your personal student loan questions. We strive to respond to all emails within one business day. Please note that we are unable to offer phone service due to the costs associated.  We are actively seeking grant funding to open up this option in the future.

If you are a borrower with questions about their student loans

You can send your questions to  Helpful things to include in your email are:

  • What kind of loans you have
  • What outcome are you trying to achieve
  • What status your loans are in – are they in default, past due, in school status?
  • If you are struggling with repayment, what is your situation that is causing you to struggle. Are you working full time? Are you disabled? Is your loan too high based on your income?
  • While not necessary to answer your questions, it will be helpful to us if you share how you found out about our organization

If you are a borrower who has a dispute about their student loans

Before sending us an email, check out our managing disputes page. You can send your questions to Helpful things to include in your email are:

  • What is the nature of your dispute
  • Have you already spoken to your loan holder about it? If so what was the outcome?
  • Have you reached out to any other entities, such as the loan holders ombudsman or the Department of Education about your dispute? What was the outcome?
  • Please include any documentation related to your dispute. Any personal information must be encrypted or otherwise protected, preferably redacted, before sending it to us

Please remember, we are a neutral party who is willing to help navigate your dispute. We have no influence over any student loan holder or participant. We are not lawyers and cannot offer you legal advice. We cannot change regulations or statute and cannot advocate for anyone else to do so.

If you are an entity who is interested in working with TISLA

We’d love to hear from you! In order for TISLA to be available for all consumers well into the future, and for it to provide the most robust service possible, we need to continue to build partnerships with funders, industry participants and other organizations who are concerned with student debt. Please email betsy at so we can share ideas and resources.