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Oregon Health Care Provider Loan Repayment

Who It’s For: Health care professionals from a broad spectrum of medical, dental, and mental health fields who agree to serve underserved communities regardless of their source of coverage (Medicare, Medicaid, private, etc.) for at least three years.

How to Apply: You can check the Application section of their website for an application form.

What Loans Qualify: Federal, state, or commercial loans received solely to cover the cost of post-baccalaureate health professional training or, in the case of an expanded practice dental hygienist, undergraduate educational training. This does not include credit card loans, lines of credit, private loans, and personal loans.

How Much?: Full time service providers receive an award equal to 50% of their qualifying education debt balance at the time of application, up to a possible maximum of $50,000 per year. Part time service providers receive 25%, up to a possible maximum of $25,000.

Anything Else I Should Know?: It’s a good idea to look over the program’s frequently asked questions to find out more.