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I Have A Dispute

Many student loan disputes come down to a simple misunderstanding or miscommunication. Even if that’s the case, you deserve to have a clear understanding of your student loans and the actions taken on them. While we can help you manage disputes, we strongly suggest you take the following steps first.

Request an Explanation or Resolution Via Email

Making your request in writing does two things, it ensures you can clearly explain your questions and disputes, and allows you to receive a response in writing for your records. Your loan holder will list contacts on its web site. If you don’t know who your loan holder is, you can find it on for federal loans, and your credit report for private loans.

The old adage that you get more flies with honey than vinegar applies here. Your email should be clear, polite and brief. Most emails from loan holders receive a response within two weeks or less. If there is significant research involved, it could take up to a month, so be patient.

Go Up the Influence Ladder

If this email does not produce the result you feel is warranted, most loan holders have ombudsman or expedited customer service areas. You can find a list of Ombudsman contacts here. The same rules apply in that you should keep your message brief, polite and clear. You should also include any past correspondence you have on your issue.

Contact the Federal Ombudsman

If you still aren’t receiving results, you can contact the Department of Education’s ombudsman office by mail, phone or through their online portal. As the Department of Education has oversight authority over both schools and loan holders, they are often able to resolve more complicated disputes or ones where you feel you have not received an adequate response. As you’ll see on their website, they also recommend you try to resolve the dispute yourself before requesting their assistance.

Let Us Help You

If you have a dispute, or are unsure if you do, and would like our assistance in resolving it, send us an email here. Please include a brief summary of your dispute, the questions you have and the resolution you are hoping for. Please also include any past inquires you’ve made on your dispute and their results. Please do NOT send us any personally identifiable information. If we need it, we will ask you for it at the appropriate time.

Our role is to ensure that your issue is heard and that you receive a correct and adequate response to your dispute. We are a neutral party who will advocate for you to ensure your student loan account is handled correctly. Sometimes borrowers become frustrated with things that are in regulation or statute and are out of our or your loan holders or even the Department of Education’s control. Please understand that we cannot and will not advocate for any actions that are not allowed within current rules.

It is also important to understand that we are not attorneys and cannot provide you with legal advice.