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Development Environment

Repo Url: Requires PHP 7.3.11 or greater MySQL

Development package managers

  • npm (for dev only used for php-server and some python modules)
  • composer (php modules - check composer.json)

Using vlucas/phpdotenv

  • configure your .env as per .env.example (see 1P for hooks)


if pbkdf2.php is unavailable download from: PBKDF2 Password Hashing for PHP Standards compliant PBKDF2 implementation for PHP.

Local Development without docker

You'll need the following software installed to get started.

- [Node.js]( Use the installer for your OS.
- [Git]( Use the installer for your OS.
- Windows users can also try [Git for Windows](

## Getting Started

Clone this repository.

Open Terminal
> git clone
> cd epicore
> npm install (for npm dependencies)
> composer install 

# Install Composer if (composer not available)
sudo curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

# AWS cli - please refer to the software development handbook for recommendations on installation and configuration

Update ,env file using the .env.example file

To run locally

Open terminal cd ~epicore npm start

Browser points to:

Get files from developer if running as ini.php: ~/epicore/scripts/conf/da.ini.php

Local Development as docker using ECR

1. Edit docker-compose.yml to use Dockerfile

2. Configure AWS on your local environment to the role:EPICORE-NONPROD having access to the healthmap account.
- Assigning a API Scretekey to AWS using AWS config on local machine
- Create folder under root 
- /.aws
- /.aws/config
- /.aws/credentials
Please add config details and credentials for AWS here with the Epicore-NonProd role
vi ~/.aws/config
role_arn = 
region = us-east-1
source_profile = default

3. Install Docker (download from, homebrew formulae)

*** change vendor./autoload.php path *** 
docker entrypoint would install all composer under /usr/share/php/ If this is incorrect change path accordingly in
File: AWSMail.class.php
File: db.function.php

cd ~/epicore
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

Local Development without ECR/AWS account setup(For contractors and other orgs that do not require AWS account setup)

1. Edit docker-compose.yml to use Dockerfile_local

2. Edit
    Comment below lines, as local development will not access parameter file from AWS. Will be using .env directly
    #aws ssm get-parameters-by-path --path "/" > ssm_parameters.txt                                                              
    #cat ssm_parameters.txt | jq -r '.[] |  map("\(.Name)=\(.Value|tostring)")'  |  sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/.$//' > .env    
    #rm -rf ssm_parameters.txt

3. Build/Run docker
    cd ~/epicore
    docker-compose build
    docker-compose up -d

Flyway migrations

Database migrations are handled via npm package node-flywaydb Flyway config: ~/epicore/flyway/conf/flyway.js Modify .env file to make sure migrations are run on the right platform

Adding new mirations

All new migrations must follow the norms as follows

~/flyway/release-X.X ~/flyway/release-X.X/migrations Files in this folder will conform to the following nature versioned migration (V), an undo migration (U), or a repeatable migration (R) Vrelease-number_version-number_version_number__description.sql Note:'__' is the default separator. Examples: V1_0_1__alter_table_hm_ticket.sql V1_0_1__create_table_role.sql

~/flyway/release-X.X/pre-migrations (these are run manually as this will be one time)

Running migrations

The migrations can be tested on a local database of choice before committing the changes. Migration files are automatically picked up by Jenkins and migration scripts are executed as part of the migrations Note: Always start with a flyway-baseline as the first command before migrations To run locally: please see package.json

npm run flyway-info npm run flyway-baseline npm run flyway-migrate

Cypress Tests

Cypress is included as a dev dependency and is part of our package.json To run cypress tests:

Edit the cypress.json file accordingly before running any test Make sure to run a local instance of epicore On another terminal start cypress npx cypress open

This will bring open the test suite. You can run each file under ~/epicore/cypress/tests/e2e/integration individually or all.

Add additional tests to ~epicore/cypress/tests/e2e/integration




Install library for Mobile Push Notifications (optional)

cd epicore_root
composer require sly/notification-pusher



Epicore uses Deploybot ( for deployment to both staging and production servers. For access please contact your PM.

Staging (aka DEV)

The staging URL is at

All of your commits to the epicore git repo are automatically deployed to staging, so you don't need to do anything to see your changes.

The staging deployment is identical to production , except it uses a test/dev database. This allows testing of all functionality without affecting


Staging deployment status: Deployment status from DeployBot


Only authorized users can deploy to production using the Deploybot dashboard.

Production deployment status: Deployment status from DeployBot

Approval Portal

Only superusers can access the approval portal (with username and pw). Supersers are added in the da.ini.php config file.

Cron Jobs

All cron jobs run in root. There are two sets of cron jobs described below.

Epicore-V3 EKS Cron jobs

Email Reminders Cron job

Email reminders are sent for auto-close and warning notifications for RFIs.

Member and RFI stats Cron job

1. Member and RFI stats are saved weekly in a CSV file. See scripts:

2. Stats for the member and RFI dashboards are generated weekly with two python scripts:

These scripts use data from the csv files in #1.

How To add new Cronjob-EKS

Files:,, jobs.txt
1. Add new job to jobs.txt
    Format: cron-job-name, job-name-to-select,schedule
    Example: get-members-weekly,getMembers,30 1 * * 1
2. Add entry to
   if [ "$jobName" = "getMembers" ]; then
    php ./downloadMembers.php
3. To deploy: 
    > cd /epicore/deploy
    > ./ (creates only the yml files) - check if all correct
    > ./ deploy
    This creates a /deploy/cron-jobs .yml file for each job listed in the jobs.txt which are used to create the jobs on the EKS.
    Note: Do not checkin the .yml files.

DB Schema changes as of 10/9/2020

The old codebase for epicore used 2 schemas - hm and epicore (see da.ini.php old files).

Going forward we have now consolidated da.ini.php file to hold only one schema access - epicore. hm schema was used to access table 'hmu' to fetch logged in

user or insert new users only. Going forward epicore will have access to schema hm for (SELECT. INSERT ONLY QUERIES).

Responder Login

To get a responder account, please “register” for an account on Epicore ( / ( in respective environments

Requester Login

To get a requester account, please “register” for an account on HealthMap ( Since dev healthmap no longer exists, in order to create dev-requester logins: Step1: Please use script ~/scripts/createRequester.php to create users. params: @auth @callback @email @name @title @username @ppassword @default_location @default_locname @createdate @superuser


Sample params to used along with above URL:

  • auth=true
  • callback=angular.callbacks._0
  • email='sampleEmailAddress'
  • name=Test Test
  • title=Epicore User
  • username=test
  • password=test
  • default_location="44.276332228 ,-105.503164654"
  • default_locname=Gillete, WY 82717, USA
  • createdate=2021-02-16
  • superuser=true

Step2: Using the above users email address, add this user as a Requester into Epicore, using the member portal Login to epicore as a superuser Requester Portal Add Requester

Upgrading AWS SES Client (Mail client)

Epicore as of 2021-03-17 and before was using AWS SesClient version V1 for PHP Steps for Upgrade: Login to DEV EC2:

cd /usr/share/php$ composer --version composer require aws/aws-sdk-ph cd /usr/share/php/vendor (should have aws folder and other things installed here) add aws config to root folder create dir .aws/ create file .aws/config create file .aws/credentials

  • Add appropriate sercrete keys in the above files

Now open file AWSMail.class.php and edit line #4 for the path to the vendor folder (this is where the autoload.php is)

To test locally use: testMail.php

Updating ECR image for docker please refer to handbook aws-ecr page