Life as a Woo Happiness Engineer

It’s a remarkable journey, transitioning from reader to writer, from aspiring Happiness Engineer to a seasoned Automattician. I vividly recall the aspirations and dreams you might also be holding right now—the desire to work for Automattic and to be a part of this incredible company; I knew I could excel, that my life would be enriched and that I would be doing something I deeply … Continue reading Life as a Woo Happiness Engineer

My Daily Work as a Woo Happiness Engineer…

Are you considering joining Automattic as a Happiness Engineer and want to learn more about the work we do and what you can expect? Buckle up, as I’ll give you a hands-on guide of what a typical day looks like for a Happiness Engineer like me. What hours do Happiness Engineers work? The short answer is: the hours they prefer. I set my own work … Continue reading My Daily Work as a Woo Happiness Engineer…

A Day in the Life of a Woo Happiness Engineer…

Being a Woo Happiness Engineer is absolutely amazing. It gives you the opportunity to make a positive impact, bit by bit, on the lives of individuals and businesses who trust you to help and guide them with their stores. What does my typical day look like? When I started, my main role was to support all our extensions in the WooCommerce Marketplace and connect with … Continue reading A Day in the Life of a Woo Happiness Engineer…

Sticky post

Happiness for everyone: working with a disability at Automattic

Have you ever wondered whether you’d ever find a job that was the right fit? Where you’d be able to open your computer and, instead of dread, unhappiness, and a sense of being weighed down, feeling good about being there and excited about digging into your workday? I used to suffer from those same negative feelings… After a long commute, I’d sit outside my workplace … Continue reading Happiness for everyone: working with a disability at Automattic

5 Tips for Working Remotely

Before joining Automattic in 2019, I worked as a freelancer (remotely) for about 12 years. During those years, I learned a great deal about managing my time, creating systems, and staying motivated while working from my home office and all of the distractions being at home brings. Of course, I’m still learning new ways to be effective and organized (never stop learning!), but I thought … Continue reading 5 Tips for Working Remotely

FAQ: Happiness Engineers And Flexibility

Automattic powers many sites worldwide with its large assortment of products, so our support team is available every day of the week to best serve our customers. But what does that mean for our Happiness Engineers’ schedule? Q: What does a typical workday look like for Happiness Engineers? Generally, a Happiness Engineer’s workday consists of eight work hours, six of which are typically spent working … Continue reading FAQ: Happiness Engineers And Flexibility

5 Surprising Facts I’ve Learned About Working Remotely

Here at Automattic, we have been doing this work-from-home thing for a long time now. This was actually how I found out about the Happiness Engineer position. My family is kind of spread out across three different continents, and I felt like working from home would help me spend more time with them, see my nieces grow up, and also explore the world.  That said, … Continue reading 5 Surprising Facts I’ve Learned About Working Remotely

What to Expect During Your First Three Months as a Happiness Engineer

Howdy! My name is Stewart, and let me first start by saying how much I have enjoyed this career change! The first three months were a breeze and went by so quickly.  However, I would like to give you a peek behind the curtain to show you what you can expect during your first three months at Automattic. I think you are going to like … Continue reading What to Expect During Your First Three Months as a Happiness Engineer

Self-Care when you work remotely

Working remotely can seem ideal for many people. What could be better than working from home, not having to worry about commuting, or even sticking to your pajamas the whole day? When I started working for Automattic almost five years ago, I was quite new to the concept of working remotely. I thought that bringing my laptop to bed to continue working on pending items … Continue reading Self-Care when you work remotely

Communicating effectively with a remote team on video

Part of working with a distributed team, like the one at Automattic, includes communicating with co-workers on video calls.  Even though most of our communication is asynchronous and my teammates are in different countries, I can still see and hear them thanks to video conferencing.  Once a week I have a meeting with other members of my team using the Zoom video conferencing app. I … Continue reading Communicating effectively with a remote team on video