Items in my online shopping cart keeps track of how many items you have added to your cart and displays it in a prominent place.

  • Your item count shows inside the   Cart   button right of the search bar
  • Select 'Cart' to complete your purchase or simply click the 'Continue shopping' link to add the item(s) to your cart and continue shopping
  • Select the   Cart   button at any time to view or purchase an existing order
  • From the cart page, view order total and adjust quantities by item, change from ship to pickup (if inventory is available at your club), remove items, or save them for a later purchase
  • To remove an item, select the Remove option under the item information


How long do items stay in my Cart?

Items designated with "Save for later" status, will remain in this status in your cart unless:

  • The item is removed from the site
  • An order is completed with the item
  • The item is featured in a publicized event
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