Details for BRADFORD EXCHANGE - MIDWEST LISTS AND MEDIA - Ad from 2024-07-07

RESERVATION APPLICATION SEND NO MONEY NOW Mrs. Mr. Ms. The Bradford Exchange 9345 Milwaukee Avenue, Niles, IL 60714-1393 Name (Please Print Clearly) Address YES. Please send me Edition One in the Hummingbird Garden Illuminated Sculpture Collection for my review as described above. I need send no money now. I am under no obligation. I understand that I can return my edition free of charge. City State Zip Email (optional) 923225-I72421 *Plus a total of $13.99 shipping and service per edition; see Limited-edition presentations restricted to 295 casting days. Please allow 4-6 weeks after initial payment for shipment of Edition One. Sales subject to product availability and request acceptance. Where Passion Becomes Art ALSO AT BRADFORDEXCHANGE.COM/HUMMINGBIRD Scan here Hummingbird Garden Illuminated Sculpture Collection Caught in a flee�ng moment, three hummingbirds open your senses to natural wonders as never before. “Cascading Beauty” captures these jewels of the air savoring glistening water as it trickles down graceful flower petals to a sparkling pond, all brought to life in a sculptural masterpiece that lights from within! The water, captured in brilliant Crystalline, is illuminated by hidden LEDs for a wondrous effect. Ar�san hand-sculpted and handpainted with infinite care, this one-of-akind work of art is available only from The Bradford Exchange. Future edi�ons promise to be just as precious! Superb value. Your satisfaction is guaranteed! “Cascading Beauty,” Act now and we’ll send you Cascading Beauty” for three installments of $29.99, totaling $89.99*, backed by our uncondi�onal, 365-day money-back guarantee. Subsequent edi�ons will arrive automa�cally about every other month for the same great price and you may cancel at any �me simply by no�fying us. Send no money now; we’ll bill your first payment prior to shipment. Just return the Priority Applica�on today! Premiere Edi�on Crystalline is a unique combina�on of resin materials chosen for its brilliance and clarity. Shown smaller than actual size of about 14" H x 8" W ©2024 BGE 01-36588-001-ZILEEHFTQR DECADES OF THE DARK KNIGHT TM TM BATSUIT SCULPTURE COLLECTION BatmanTM is bigger than one suit, or one decade. This poly-resin sculpture begins the history of the caped CrusaderTM through his most legendary BatsuitsTM with exceptional attention to detail, starting with “Bronze Age BatsuitTM”. Just like in the BatcaveTM,, these suits are sealed in a capsule behind plexiglass, which lights up with LEDs built into the base. As a collection, you can recreate how BatmanTM showcases his BatsuitsTM, building the optimal timeline of the Dark KnightTM. Limited to 10,000 Collections Worldwide long live the caped crusaderTM Start your BatmanTM: Decades of the Dark KnightTM BatsuitTM Sculpture Collection now starting with “Bronze Age BatsuitTM” at $69.99*, payable in two installments of $34.99 each. Subsequent sculptures will be shipped automatically, one about every month at this same low price. There’s no obligation; you may cancel at purchase backed money-backk any time bbyy notifying us. YYour our pur chase is bac ked bbyy our 365-day money-bac guarantee. now. guar antee. Send no money no w. Just complete and mail the coupon. Actual size is about 7 in. H. uses one CR2032 3V battery, not included. Edition Two: Original BatsuitTM Scan here BATMAN and all related characters and elements © & ™ DC. WB SHIELD: © & ™ WBEI. (s24) ©2024 BGE 01-39074-001-ZDLEEHFBQR FIND IT AT BRADFORDEXCHANGE.COM/923843 Where Passion Becomes Art The Bradford Exchange 9345 Milwaukee Avenue · Niles, IL 60714-1393 PLEASE RESPOND PROMPTLY SEND NO MONEY NOW YES. Please send me the BatmanTM: Decades of the Dark KnightTM BatsuitTMTSculpture Collection Mrs. Mr. Ms. Address starting with “Bronze Age Batsuit ” for my review as described. I am under no obligation. I understand I may return my edition free of charge. I will be billed with shipment. City *Plus $11.99 shipping and service per edition; see Please allow 4-6 weeks for shipment of Edition One. Limited to 10,000 collections worldwide. Subject to product availability and request acceptance. Email (optional) TM Name (Please Print Clearly) State Zip 923843-I72421