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Twenty Sixteen

Twenty Sixteen

Community theme

This theme is developed and supported by a community.

  • Version 3.3
  • Last updated Yulyu 16, 2024
  • Active installations 100,000+
  • WordPress version 4.4
  • PHP version 5.2.4

make your WordPress look beautiful everywhere.
Twenty Sixteen d talɣa tatrart n tmuddemt n WordPress : Inixef aglawan aked tfeggagt n yidis taxetṛant, i ywulmen ama i iblugen ama i isemlen. Yesɛa aṭas n textiṛiyin n yiniten aked tegrummiwin n yiniten n lexṣas icebḥen aṭas, yesɛa daɣen tasuddest s tracca tamengant tanmilant i yeseqdacen anekmar « mobile-first ». S Twenty Sixteen ad tgeḍ asmel n WordPress iggerzen yerna di merra tignatin.


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Active Installations: 100,000+


4 out of 5 stars.


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