Latest Government Reporting

FWP employee fired three months after being cleared of hunting-without-permission charge

Longtime FWP employee Michael Volesky, who most recently served as the agency’s chief of operations, said the department has no defensible cause for terminating his employment three months after a county attorney dropped the hunting without permission charges that purportedly led to the department’s decision to place Volesky on an extended period of administrative leave.


Legislature v. judiciary

Lawmakers on the newly formed Senate Select Committee on Judicial Oversight and Reform covered little new ground in their efforts to reshape Montana’s judicial system in their first meeting, but they at least got a lesson in constitutional law.

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Gianforte announces Montana National Guard deployment to Texas border 

Gov. Greg Gianforte announced that the state is deploying a small number of Montana National Guard personnel to the nation’s southern border, describing the action as an effort to help the state of Texas address cross-border drug trafficking in light of what he described as inaction by the federal government.

Push to poll Cascade County voters on reinstating clerk’s election duties falls short

An effort by supporters of Cascade County Clerk and Recorder Sandra Merchant to reinstate the election oversight duties stripped from her by county commissioners in December has proved unsuccessful. Petitioners looking to put the issue up for a reconsideration vote on the June primary ballot were still thousands of signatures short of the total required…

Safety net consolidation means closures for longtime nonprofits

Last fall, the state Department of Public Health and Human Services announced it would be seeking a single, statewide contractor to provide employment assistance and training to Montanans receiving food and cash aid from SNAP and TANF, two of the state’s most prominent public safety net programs. In January, the state tapped Maximus, a global…

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