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New Exhibit: Exquisite Miniatures

whispering giant intertribal

Exquisite Miniatures

This exhibit contains over 50 paintings including landscapes, portraits, still life, wildlife, and more. The artists, Wes & Rachelle Siegrist capture the attention of viewers not with outstretched canvas but with miniature paintings so exquisitely rendered that they are often mistaken for photographs. A hallmark of their work is the ability to convey the feel of larger canvases or the essence of the natural world in miniature. It is no small wonder, therefore, that the Siegrist’s have been referred to as “World Ambassadors for Miniature Art”.

Exquisite Miniatures by Wes and Rachelle Siegrist, Produced by David J. Wagner, LLC.  David J. Wagner, Ph.D., Curator/ Tour Director.

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Hoka Skenandore, Heroes and Villains #8 square

Summer Camps

Spring has sprung, which means our camps are just around the corner! Whether it be art, theatre, or space that your kid loves, we’d love to host them right here at the Museum & Cultural Center at 5ive Points!

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stitches in time 2024

Country GongBang

Hailing from South Korea this quintet of fabulous pickers is brimming with talent and youthful enthusiasm! They formed as a band in 2014 after falling in love with bluegrass music through YouTube.

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botanical blueprint class

Events & Programs

The Museum offers fun events for all ages all year round. Some educational, some just plan fun. Visit our calender to see our upcoming events.

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