Music Ally is widely considered to be the industry standard when it comes to music business intelligence and our publication and reports are received by well over 25,000 in the industry including, Sony, Warner, Universal, Spotify, Google etc on corporate worldwide deals and a range of other companies across the industry from independent labels, managers, fledgling startups to PR agencies and more.

Academic institutions also subscribe to make sure their students have the cutting edge insights on an industry that is evolving so fast due to new technology. We are the premium resource for Music Business courses for many unis who have library subscriptions/subscribers: including Syracuse, Princeton, Berklee, Clive, NYU in the US and in the UK Bath Spa, BIMM, ICMP, Music Tech School, LCCM, ACM, Falmouth, Leeds Conservatoire and many more. With an academic subscription, students and academic staff get full access to all our reports (whole archive) through their library search system (with userpass or via IP and OpenAthens etc for remote), and the option to sign up and have their own personal feed of reports to their email if they like. They are also entitled to discounts for all Music Ally events/training and specialist reports.

There is also the popular option to subscribe to our Music Ally Learning Hub – a powerful resource of over 40 courses of video learning to help improve employability and also support teaching staff in the most up to date insights in what is happening in the industry. We also regularly do guest lectures and training sessions, indeed we deliver the Digital Marketing component for Berklee (Valencia) for example.

For more information about packages, licences and pricing please contact

Companies that subscribe to our resources also have the opportunity to place interns with us.


“Music Ally provides accurate up to the minute music business information and also astute observation on all matters digital. The daily bulletins provide the news, the reports the analysis. They are also smart enough to see behind the press release and work out the implied strategy. You can’t teach a commercial music business course without their information. Any university student who is interested in a career in the music business should read Music Ally. A Music Ally report fits neatly between Music Week and the academic journal. As a resource, it allows you to balance current developments with (relatively recent) historical perspective. It dares to comment and predict, and is therefore refreshingly direct. It’s also an excellent read.” 
Nigel Beaham-Powell, Subject Leader – Commercial Music, Bath Spa University

“Music marketing practices evolve very quickly and teaching this topic is quite challenging. Music Ally is our partner for the course delivered in the Master of Arts in Global Entertainment and Music Business (GEMB) at Berklee Valencia called “Digital Marketing and Social Media Management”. Music Ally provides an always-up-to-date expertise on the tools used by music marketers and shares with us the innovative practices to reach an audience during their lectures. They teach my students how to audit the digital presence with an articulated methodology and push them to provide creative ideas to music professionals. The Music Ally team is both proactive and reactive to our needs and we are planning to strengthen this collaboration in the future.”
Alexandre Perrin, Professor in Music Business, Berklee

“There is no-one who knows Digital Marketing – and how to communicate it in an interesting fashion –  better than the wonderful MusicAlly training team. Every year I make sure that they are an integral part of what I offer all third year BIMM Students. The information they offer is up-to-the-minute, and always well received.”
Phil Nelson, Head of Music Business, BIMM