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Toutes les formations

Perfectionnez vos compétences et apprenez les dernières pratiques exemplaires en suivant des leçons et en participant à des ateliers à votre rythme.


Tous les formations

Introduction to Machine Learning


With help from the London School of Economics and Political Science, VRT News and Texty our Journalism AI courses offer an insight on how journalists are using machine learning in their newsrooms.

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Vidéo : Premiers pas avec Google Tendances

Google Tendances vous permet d'explorer un échantillon de demandes de recherche, par sujet et au fil du temps.
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Vidéo : Premiers pas avec Pinpoint

Explorez et analysez des milliers de documents avec l'outil de recherche de Google, Pinpoint.
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Vidéo : Google Earth et les technologies de cartographie pour les journalistes

Découvrez comment les journalistes peuvent utiliser Google Earth et les technologies de cartographie
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Vidéo : Assurer la sécurité des journalistes en ligne

Améliorez votre sécurité en ligne en tant que journaliste grâce aux pratiques exemplaires et aux outils de Google.
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Vidéo : Outils Google destinés aux vérificateurs de faits

Explorez les outils numériques conçus spécialement pour les vérificateurs de faits et les journalistes
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Investigative Reporting


From Google Public Data Explorer to Google Search, this intensive course will help journalists interpret a range of online sources to strengthen their efficiency and efficacy of in-depth research.

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Hands-on Machine Learning


This course teaches journalists how to use Machine Learning for their reporting. You will learn how to train a Machine Learning model to identify and classify images in vast datasets.

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Strengthen your digital skills by learning advanced techniques on familiar tools like Google Search, Google Maps and Google Trends.

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Augmentez le trafic sur votre site


Utilisez la recherche, les bulletins d'information, le partage sur les réseaux sociaux et les annonces pour générer plus de visites.

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Maintenez l'intérêt des visiteurs


Suscitez l'intérêt des visiteurs et fidélisez-les en utilisant la recirculation d'articles, les vidéos et les signaux Web essentiels.

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Commencez à développer votre public


Comprenez mieux votre public et élargissez-le à l'aide d'analyses, de sondages et d'outils.

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Faites croître vos revenus issus des lecteurs


Tirez des revenus de votre public grâce aux abonnements, aux adhésions et aux contributions.

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Environmental Journalism


Around the world, wildfires, flooding and other extreme weather continue to affect our health, our economies and our future together on our planet. Explore the tools to help tell the story.

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Data Journalism


From beginner to advanced, strengthen your ability to analyze and interpret data with Google Trends and a range of tools from Google and beyond.

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YouTube Creator Academy: Improving your YouTube skills

Learn how to access and choose lessons that help strengthen your presence.
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Data Source: Election Databot.

A robust tool to help journalists cover U.S. elections.
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Google Trends: Improving your search results.

Refine your queries to get more useful data.
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Public Data Explorer: Access a world of data.

Use high-quality data sets to create compelling visuals.
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Visualizing Data: Advanced Tilegrams.

Generate your own Tilegram from data.
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Visualizing Data: Introduction to Tilegrams.

A new way to map data.
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Data Studio: Make interactive data visualizations

Give life to your datasets by creating powerful interactive visualizations with an easy-to-use studio.
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Dataset Search Quickstart Guide

Search across millions of datasets on the web
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Google Sheets: Cleaning data

Prepare your data for analysis and visualization.
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Google Sheets: Scraping data from the internet

Build your own data sets using Google Sheets.
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YouTube: A storytelling tool.

Find out how to cultivate and maintain a YouTube audience.
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Google Historical Imagery: Google Earth Pro, Maps and Timelapse

Find out where a photo was taken and when it was uploaded.
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Multimedia Storytelling


Explore best practices for YouTube, and learn how to create your own visuals using Google Earth and Google Trends.

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Advanced Protection

The strongest security for your Google account.
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Password Alert: Protect yourself from password theft.

This simple Chrome extension is your first line of defense.
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2-Step Verification: Stronger security for your Google account.

Add an extra layer of protection beyond your password.
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Safety and Security


Strengthen your digital safety with 2-step verification, password protection and a range of tools to help both freelance journalists and those working within small, medium and large news organizations.

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Google Translate: Verify content in 100+ languages.

Interpret descriptions, uploader information and place names.
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Google Earth: Pinpoint eyewitness locations.

Find out where a photo was taken and when it was uploaded.
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Verification: Chrome Plugins and Extensions

How to speed up the verification process using Google Chrome.
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Verification: Advanced Reverse Image Search

How to separate genuine eyewitness accounts from misattributed content.
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Verification: Google Image Search

Find visually similar images.
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Verification: Google Search

Master advanced search shortcuts to filter results by date, relevance and language.
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Google Fact Check Tools

These tools allow you to search for stories and images that have already been debunked and lets you add ClaimReview markup to your own fact checks.
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Explore time-saving methods and digital tools to help verify the authenticity and accuracy of images, videos and reports found on social media and across the web.

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Global Fishing Watch: Monitor fishing fleets and vessels

A guide to using Global Fishing Watch’s mapping tool to track global fishing activity.
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Data Source: Global Forest Watch.

Deforestation data and monitoring tools.
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Visualizing Data: Flourish templates.

A simple tool to help newsrooms create beautiful graphics.
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Google Sheets: Visualizing data

Learn to build visualizations that help you interpret the data and tell data-driven stories.
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Pinpoint: A research tool for journalists

Explore and analyze thousands of documents with Google's research tool, Pinpoint.
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In this course, we will look at tools to help you find stories faster.

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Google Earth Timelapse: Observing change

Observe how the earth has changed over the course of the last 35 years.
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Introduction to Google Earth Studio

A fully functional animation studio for Google Earth imagery.
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Google Earth creation tools: Tell your story across the world

How to use Google Earth to create compelling stories
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Storytelling with Google Earth


Explore how journalists can identify, embed or download imagery from Google Maps, Google Earth and StreetView to help visualize your stories.

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Storytelling with Google Trends

Learn ways to contextualize Google Trends data and integrate it into your reporting.
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Tendances Google avancées

Devenez maître de l’outil Trends Explore grâce à ces conseils simples pour extraire des données précises.
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Bases de Google Tendances

Ce cours pour débutants vous apprendra les bases de Google Trends, à l'aide de l'outil gratuit Trends Explore.
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Google Trends


Use real-time search data to track topics and spot emerging trends with the free Trends Explore tool. Then, use that data to tell compelling stories about the issues that matter.

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Looking ahead to ML-powered journalism

Key learnings and recommended resources to deepen your ML knowledge.
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Bias in Machine Learning

Understand what ML bias is and how to avoid it.
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How does a machine learn?

A step-by-step overview of the ML training process.
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How you can use Machine Learning

Understand in what cases ML might be the solution to your problem.
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Different approaches to Machine Learning

Learn to recognize what defines different machine learning solutions.
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Is Machine Learning the same thing as AI?

Take a bird's eye view of machine learning within the AI landscape.
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Machine Learning, journalism and you

How machine learning is entering your personal and professional life.
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Evaluate and Test

How to interpret the output of your model and evaluate its performance
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Training your Machine Learning model

Import your data in AutoML Vision and start the training process
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Data preparation

Assess your use case, source and prepare your data
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Google Cloud AutoML Vision

Learn how to set up AutoML Vision to prepare for the course exercise
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Investigating stories with Machine Learning

How you can use Machine Learning in your reporting
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What is Machine Learning

Machine Learning for journalists.
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Project Shield: Defend against digital censorship.

A free tool to protect your site from Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.
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Protect your election coverage

In this module, we will look at tools to protect and secure your election coverage
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Election visualizations linked to Google Sheets

Keep your election visualizations live by linking them to Google sheets
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Google Data GIF Maker

Visualize data comparisons in minutes.
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Visualizing elections

Bring elections to life with interactive visualizations
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Covering politics with Google Trends

In this module, we will look at ways to use Google Trends to analyze searches specifically related to politics.
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Whether you're covering an election campaign or reporting on results at the ballot box, here are a range of tools that can help prepare for your story. Dive in to GIF makers, visualizations and digital safety tools.

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Permissions: Source Google Data.

Learn proper usage and citations for Google products.
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Voice Typing: Transcribe audio using Google Docs

A quick and easy way to convert audio to text.
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Google Translate: Translations on-the-go.

Speak the language just about anywhere in the world.
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Google Trends: Understanding the data.

How to interpret Trends results.
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Google Trends: See what’s trending across Google Search, Google News and YouTube.

Find stories and terms people are paying attention to.
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Google My Maps: Show where stories happen.

Give important context by building interactive maps.
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Google Street View: Verify images.

Check the authenticity of an eyewitness photo or video.
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Reverse Image Search: Verifying photos.

Find photographs and uncover their backstories.
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Google News Archive: Access the past.

Discover historical digital publications and scanned newspapers.
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Google Alerts: Stay in the know.

Follow the breaking stories that are important to you.
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Advanced Search: Researching with precision.

Simple tools and tips to help you get better results, faster.
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Business Reporting


Build your digital skills on Google Sheets and learn how to identify and report on financial news stories with the help of visualization tools.

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GNI Live

GNI Live
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Introduction to Google Earth Engine

Use a multi-petabyte library of satellite imagery and data to detect changes, map trends, and quantify differences on the Earth's surface
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Access Google Finance data in Sheets

Access Google Finance data in Google Sheets. Examine closing prices, percentage change or market movement over any timeframe.
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Google Finance: Research company performance

Google Finance allows you to track companies across 53 exchanges on five continents.
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Google Podcasts Manager

Better understand your audiences and reach them across Google products.
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How to add them to your site

There are two ways to add Web Stories to your site, regardless of the CMS you use to maintain it. Each approach is simple, intuitive, and poised to make Web Stories a vital part of your content strategy going forward.
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How to make them using

Leçon is a platform specially created to help people make, publish, and monetize Google Web Stories. It’s free, and it can be used with any content management system. Here are the basics of how to get started with
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How to make them using WordPress

WordPress is the standard for so many content makers, and now the ability to create Web Stories is built right into the platform.
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How to make a good Web Story

Creating a strong, compelling Web Story is as easy as creating an article or a video, and the interactive nature of Web Stories plays to the rapidly shifting desires and demands of online audiences.
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What are Web Stories?

How the easy-to-use vertical video format is changing the face of digital storytelling and driving the connection between content makers and their fans.
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Google Scholar: Access court cases, academic papers and sources.

Quickly find hard facts and expert opinions.
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Augmentez votre trafic grâce à Recherche

Établissez une relation avec vos meilleurs publics
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Évaluez votre viabilité financière

Comprenez, mesurez et favorisez votre viabilité financière
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Comprenez les tailles et les formats d'annonces

Comprenez comment les tailles et les formats d'annonces influent sur les prix et les revenus
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Faites la promotion de votre abonnement

Attirez plus d'abonnés dès leur premier jour
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Développez votre public grâce à Google Analytics 4

Comprenez comment Google Analytics 4 fonctionne pour faciliter l'analyse du public
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Comprenez les revenus publicitaires directs et programmatiques

Vendez des annonces, établissez les prix, convainquez les annonceurs et communiquez les résultats
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Lancez votre abonnement

Établissez une relation avec vos meilleurs publics
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Augmentez le trafic sur votre site avec Google Ads

Haussez votre trafic à partir de vos meilleurs articles
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Augmentez vos revenus publicitaires numériques avec Google Ad Manager

Faites les premiers pas avec Google Ad Manager pour augmenter vos revenus publicitaires numériques
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Faites croître vos revenus publicitaires numériques avec AdSense

Faites les premiers pas avec AdSense pour gagner des revenus publicitaires programmatiques
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Sélectionnez un SGC pour votre organisme de presse

Premiers pas avec la publication en ligne
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Créez de nouvelles applications avec Flutter

Réduisez le temps de développement des applications jusqu'à 80 %
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Faites croître vos revenus publicitaires numériques grâce au marketing affilié

Monétisez votre contenu grâce à des liens affiliés
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Faites les premiers pas avec Reader Revenue Manager

Faites croître vos revenus et l'intérêt de vos publics
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Augmentez votre trafic avec Search Console

Augmentez votre trafic avec Search Console
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Atteignez des publics plus jeunes et diversifiés

Étendez-vous à des publics diversifiés
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Premiers pas sur Google Actualités avec le Centre pour les éditeurs

Soumettez, gérez et monétisez vos actualités dans l'ensemble de Google
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Estimez vos revenus publicitaires

Découvrez les leviers qui influencent les revenus publicitaires
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Estimez vos revenus lecteurs

Estimez vos revenus lecteurs
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Introduction to AI for Journalists

Learn about Google's approach to AI and how our products can support newsrooms.
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Introduction to AI for News Business Teams

Learn about Google's approach to AI and how our products can support news business teams.
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Keep visitors engaged with video on YouTube

Build your relationship with billions of YouTube viewers
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Grow your revenue with Google's ads products

Determine if AdSense, AdMob, or Ad Manager is right for you
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Augmentez vos revenus publicitaires numériques


Tirez le meilleur parti de vos annonces numériques et augmentez vos revenus publicitaires.

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Commencez à développer votre modèle de revenus


Diversifiez vos sources de revenus, évaluez les revenus potentiels et lancez de nouveaux produits.

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Increase traffic with web notifications

Alert your audience with timely news alerts
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Keep visitors engaged with web videos

Build your relationship with younger audiences
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Refine your checkout flow

Improve subscriber conversion
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Learn more about ad blockers

Recover ad revenue lost from ad blockers
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Build your audience with News Consumer Insights

Get data-driven recommendations for your site
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Keep visitors engaged with recirculation

Get the most out of your evergreen content
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Build news products

Design, prototype, and test your news product
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Keep visitors engaged with Core Web Vitals

Build a quality user experience on your news site
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Build a fundraising strategy

Choose the right sources to fund your journalism
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Build your tech stack

Find the best technology to publish, monetize, and more
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Determine your revenue model

Diversify revenue with subscriptions, ads, and more
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Learn more about your audience with surveys

Understand your audience, their habits, and what they value with surveys
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Increase traffic with social sharing

Tap into social networks to reach new audiences
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Increase traffic with Google's search products

Help more people discover your news
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Increase traffic with newsletters

Build your relationship with your best audiences
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Build your audience with Google's analytics tools

Make better decisions based on your audiences’ data
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Désolés! Votre recherche ne correspond à aucune ressource


  • GO801_GNI_GoogleImageSearch_TitleCard.jpg
    Verification: Google Image Search
    Find visually similar images.
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  • GO801_GNI_GoogleEarthPro_TitleCard.jpg
    Google Historical Imagery: Google Earth Pro, Maps and Timelapse
    Find out where a photo was taken and when it was uploaded.
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  • GO801_GNI_AccessThePast_TitleCard.jpg
    Google News Archive: Access the past.
    Discover historical digital publications and scanned newspapers.
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  • GO801_GNI_VerifyContentIn100Languages_TitleCard.jpg
    Google Translate: Verify content in 100+ languages.
    Interpret descriptions, uploader information and place names.
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  • DataJournalism_GoogleSheetsScrapingDatafromtheInternet_lessonoverview_UEMWXbb.jpg
    Google Sheets: Scraping data from the internet
    Build your own data sets using Google Sheets.
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  • GO801_GNI_TranslationsOTG_TitleCard.jpg
    Google Translate: Translations on-the-go.
    Speak the language just about anywhere in the world.
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  • GO801_GNI_VerifyingPhotos_TitleCard.jpg
    Reverse Image Search: Verifying photos.
    Find photographs and uncover their backstories.
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