
Comments are the main way for you and your team to reply to posts and keep the conversation going. They’re located at the bottom of each post, and are displayed in chronologically ordered threads.

Replies can be done to the main post or to another comment, regardless of when it was created. Doing so will make your comment appear below the comment you’re replying to, instead of being pushed to the last position. This encourages better discussion as related replies are grouped together, making conversations very easy to follow.

Adding a comment

Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Reply” button under a post or comment.
  2. Type in your comment in the editor.
  3. Once you’ve finished, click on the “Reply” button under the editor.

The comment will be published immediately. Those following the post will receive a notification too.

Remember: the editor in the comments is the same as the one used for composing posts and pages. This means that you can use the same blocks and patterns, taking advantage of all the expressiveness they provide.

Editing a comment

To edit a comment, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the ellipsis button near the top-right corner of the comment.
  2. Select “Edit” from the menu that will open.
  3. The comment will be open in the editor. Do any necessary change, and click on the “Save” button once you’re done.

Deleting a comment

  1. Click on the ellipsis button to open the actions menu.
  2. Select “Trash”

The comment will be immediately trashed.

📚 Learn more about comments on the support documents.