Flora & Fauna

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snowdrops are blooming in the snow on top of some green grass and snow
About Snowdrops: Your Guide To Breaking the Ice
an image of people working in the water and on top of a bridge that is surrounded by trees
'Chinampas': The Ancient Aztec Floating Gardens that hold promise for Future Urban Agriculture
the trunk of a birch tree with yellow leaves on it's sides and an eye hole in the bark
Listen To The Eerie Sounds Of Pando, Earth’s Largest Living Organism
two white flowers with green leaves in the background
17 Flowers That Look Like Something Else
The flower, as a reproductive organ, evolved with one primary purpose in mind – to attract pollinators like insects or birds. This function has driven their
a fish with its mouth open and it's body covered in plastic wraps
Scientists Have Captured Video Footage of Mating Deep-Sea Anglerfish for the First Time It's probably a little weird to get super jazzed about seeing fish mating. But when it's the unapologetically odd deep-sea anglerfish it's a completely different story.
the words feeding guidelines for pet squirrel, avan and animal hospital written in white
Feeding Guidelines for Pet Squirrel
Feeding Guidelines for Pet Squirrel | Avian and Animal Hospital
a squirrel with the words where are we supposed to go?
What Do Squirrels Eat - Tasty Foods You Can Feed Squirrels And What To Avoid
Here are some common foods that you can feed squirrels. We obviously don't want to feed them something harmful, so it's crucial to know what squirrels can and can't eat.
the angel's trumpet is a plant with tissues that cause terrifying hallucinations
The Hallucinogenic Angel's Trumpet Plant Is Beautiful and Deadly
The Hallucinogenic Angel's Trumpet Plant Is Beautiful and Deadly