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two images of the same face and head, one is made out of plastic material
Interview with Johnson Tsang
Johnson Tsang 늘어지는 피부의 표현은 꼭 저 얼굴이 원래의 얼굴이 아닌 영화의 특수분장에서나 쓸 법한 가면같은 느낌을 준다. 자기자신의 본모습을 숨기기 위해 만들어진 가면을 쓴 것 같다.
a white ceramic face with a wire attached to it's head on a gray surface
Lucid Dreams: Distorted Sculptures by Johnson Tsang | Inspiration Grid
Hong-based artist Johnson Tsang (previously featured here) bends, stretches and distorts human faces to create his impressive porcelain sculptures. "The comical works morph facial features and body parts, at times cramming the identities of multiple persons into a single being. These new pieces from his
a close up of a person's arm wearing a bracelet made out of books
Book art bracelet
Book art bracelet – Recycled Crafts
there are many vases with plants in them and one is made out of glass
31 Aquariums From Wow to WTF [Pics]
Fish need mansions too! #fishaquariums #bizarreaquariums #funfishplaces
an eye looking up into the sky with stars in the background and a black hole in the center
Entendí, miento
Sabes cuál fue el problema siempre? Tus ojos no sabían mentir. Así como tus ojos sonreían, cuando estabas triste, en el fondo, en lo profundo de tu globo ocular se notaba ese dejo de tristeza que t…
Score another win for CRISPR. Scientists at MIT are using the ever-intriguing genome-editing system to engineer human cells capable of recording and reporting.. Nanotechnology, New Technology, Biology, Biotechnology, Dna Molecule, Dna Sequence, Machine Learning, Engineering, Product Launch
MIT engineers human cells to store ‘memories’ in DNA | TechCrunch
Score another win for CRISPR. Scientists at MIT are using the ever-intriguing genome-editing system to engineer human cells capable of recording and reporting..