Houseplant Inspiration

·· H O U S E P L A N T H O U S E ·· — plants — care — styling ·· My Plant Inspiration board is the place to find the latest plant trends + plant styling decor…
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the top ten houseplants to give as gifts
10 of my favourite houseplants to give as gifts
For today's post, I've put together a top ten of my favourite houseplants to give as gifts. Plants make excellent presents for all kinds of milestone moments, but they also cater for those everyday gestures of gratitude too...
the top 10 trailing houseplants to add to your collection
My Top 10 Trailing Houseplants
the front cover of a houseplant for west facing rooms, with text below it
Houseplants for west facing rooms
two hanging planters with plants in them and the words houseplanthouse com
Two of my favourite Pothos plants...
A little hanging corner here at House Plant House, featuring two of my favourite Pothos plants: the Manjula pothos and the Marble Queen.
two hanging planters with plants in them and the words houseplanthouse com
Two of my favourite Pothos plants...
A little hanging corner here at House Plant House, featuring two of my favourite Pothos plants: the Manjula pothos and the Marble Queen.
String of hearts Ceropegia woodii plant display in my new place
Hoya Carnosa tricolor lovely new growth
Growing Golden Barrel cacti from seed...
a poster with the words, houseplants for east facing rooms and an image of a
Let's talk about light... A guide to the best House plants for East facing rooms
houseplants for east facing rooms
Houseplants for East facing rooms
What causes Houseplants to bloom?
Featuring my flowering Tradescantia nanouk — Pilea peperomioides — Tradescantia fluminensis tricolor — Saxifraga stolonifera + String of Hearts
Houseplants in bloom: my flowering Tradescantia nanouk
Lovely leaves on my Aspidistra Milky Way
String of hearts (ceropegia woodii) flowers
My largest String of Hearts is in bloom again... here's a closer look!
a living room filled with lots of potted plants
houseplanthouse plant corner
Plant styling a small space means playing with different levels to add depth and interest. Even though this place is just temporary, my plants are looking settled in!