Repotting Houseplants

a person holding up a plant with roots in it and the words re - pot my houseplants with me
Re-pot my houseplants with me...
Repotting Diaries: There's a bit of propagation potting up to do and a couple of pots that need an upgrade. Also, a few plants could do with a chop and I'm going to amalgamate some others together into one, larger planter...
Repotting propagated Spider plantlets
a potted plant sitting on top of a wooden table next to a metal bowl
Weekend houseplant repotting...
Over on the blog is a Repotting Diaries #11: Pilea peperomioides, Aspidistra milky way, Ficus Audrey, Neon Pothos, Ficus elastica Abidjan + Monstera adansonii propagations...
a person is holding up a plant in a pot on the ground near some bushes
Weekend houseplant repotting... Pilea peperomioides + more
NEW BLOGPOST: Re-pot my houseplants with me... featuring my Pilea peperomioides, Aspidistra milky way, Ficus Audrey, Neon Pothos, Ficus elastica Abidjan + Monstera adansonii propagations...
there is a green plant with the words repotting in different languages on it
Houseplant Repotting Diaries...
Repotting Diaries #10: A bit of weekend plant care featuring my...Ficus elastica tineke, Aspidistra okame, Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, Yucca + Haworthia rescue, Snake plant + Clivia miniata...
Strelitzia reginae repotting
a man standing next to a tall plant in a garden with lots of green leaves
Repotting my 3 Monstera plants
I hope you enjoy seeing how my 3 Monstera plants are doing + that this post has illuminated the repotting process + made it feel less daunting in case you are thinking about giving it a go.
a potted plant sitting on top of a wooden table
Potting up some of my winter propagations
In this post I share a behind the scenes of what's on my houseplant potting bench - preparing my houseplants for some Spring plant care! Part of my 'Repotting Diaries' series. Click to see more + what I've been repotting today!
Repotting my pilea peperomioides
In this repotting blogpost, I share a behind the scenes of some weekend plant care here at HOUSEPLANTHOUSE. Preparing your houseplants for their Autumn/Winter rest is an important part of keeping your plants looking thier best as we move into the cooler months. This pin features one of my many pilea plants I've propagated from my main plant.
Repotting my epipremnum aureum golden pothos
In this repotting blogpost, I share a behind the scenes of some weekend plant care here at HOUSEPLANTHOUSE. This pin features my Epipremnum aureum / golden pothos plant that lives in my bedroom.
Repotting my Zamioculcas Zamiifolia 'ZZ raven' plant
In this repotting blogpost, I share a behind the scenes of some weekend plant care here at HOUSEPLANTHOUSE. Preparing your houseplants for their Autumn/Winter rest is an important part of keeping your plants looking thier best as we move into the cooler months. Over the next few posts, I'll show you the process of repotting some of my plants that desperately needed it before their cold weather rest. This pin features my moody Zamioculcas Zamiifolia aka 'ZZ raven'!
Repotting plants: Stromanthe thalia triostar
In this repotting blogpost, I share a behind the scenes of some weekend plant care here at HOUSEPLANTHOUSE. Preparing your houseplants for their Autumn/Winter rest is an important part of keeping your plants looking thier best as we move into the cooler months. Over the next few posts, I'll show you the process of repotting some of my plants that desperately needed it before their cold weather rest. This pin features my Stromanthe thalia triostar.
two pictures with plants in them and the words strommathe sangnumed trostan repotting
Stromanthe sanguinea triostar repotting tips
Here's the process of repotting my stromanthe I've had for a few years now. I've also shared some tips on what to look out for if your plant might need repotting!
Repotting my hoya linearis
In this ‘repotting diaries‘ blogpost I will be potting on my hoya linearis, selenicereus chrysocardium, a couple of my smaller sansevieria/ dracaena plants, before switiching my crassula marnieriana into terracotta + popping my SOH cuttings back with the plant.
two photos with plants in vases on the same shelf and one has green leaves hanging from it
Hoya linearis propagation and repotting
After rooting this cutting off my main hoya linearis plant 9 months ago, I've just repotted it after it had outgrown its tiny pot - here's how it is looking!