2023 jungkook

Get ready for an amazing year with Jungkook in 2023. Explore predictions and exciting updates about the talented artist. Stay tuned for his upcoming projects and be part of the Jungkook experience.
-In which a tall and intimidating tattoo artist, wrapped in the inks … #fanfiction #Fanfiction #amreading #books #wattpad Incheon, Busan, Jungkook Hot, Jeon Jeongguk, Jungkook Aesthetic, Jungkook Abs, Jungkook Cute, Life Magazine, Foto Jungkook

-In which a tall and intimidating tattoo artist, wrapped in the inks of tattoos and piercings, a total heartthrob of the town is utterly head over heels and wrapped around the small fingers of the tiny little chaotic cutie who works the night shift on the convenience store he is a regular of. ----- Cover Art Credit: WLOP on Instagram. Tattoo artist au. convenience store worker au. Age gap au. (Nothing illegal dw) ©Yoonchrisgull

Sarah Alexander Dubé