50s school dance

Step back in time to the 50s and make your school dance unforgettable. Get inspired by these ideas to create a nostalgic atmosphere and get everyone dancing.
Cape Central High School Freshman party 60s Comic, 1950s High School, Highschool Prom, Sandy Olsson, 1950s Dance, 50s Dance, 1960s School, High School Freshman, Retro Prom

I have two batches of negs. One was marked Freshman party; the other said Sophomore party. I’m going to break them up into two postings to make things a little less confusing. Is this the 1966 Freshman Class? I think I recognize some of these kids as being futures members of the Class of 1966. … Continue reading "Central High School Freshman Dance"

Rosalind Helfand
Cape Central High School Dance 60s Comic, 50s Dance, High School Freshman, Retro Dance, Spring Dance, Highschool Freshman, 18th Bday, High School Dance, Juke Joints

I have two batches of negs. One was marked Freshman party; the other said Sophomore party. I’m going to break them up into two postings to make things a little less confusing. Is this the 1966 Freshman Class? I think I recognize some of these kids as being futures members of the Class of 1966. … Continue reading "Central High School Freshman Dance"

Deanna Fountain